I've searched, and not found, other than that this question keeps getting asked over the years. I absolutely love the look of the roadster tank on my 71, but hate the limited range. I have a cheap fiberglass Interstate tank from ebay for longer rides, but I hate the look, too blobby. I want a larger version of the Roadster, flatter sides and knee indents. Yeah I know, they made a 'long range' version with an Atlas tank. Good looking bikes, but I dunno, that doesn't really look like a Commando to me.
Other than paying someone (this guy? http://wilcoxmetal.com/england.htm) $2k to make me a custom one, which isn't in the budget, what are my options? The mid-70s BMW tanks (like the R90s) are a lot closer to the roadster than the Interstate is, has anyone fitted one? Alternately, any idea on the fuel capacity of a Norvil-style tank? Kinda like this one, if I were brave enough to buy a painted tank from India. https://www.ebay.com/itm/New-Norton...850032?hash=item420a9c31b0:g:MI4AAOSwt8JdqAQ0
Other than paying someone (this guy? http://wilcoxmetal.com/england.htm) $2k to make me a custom one, which isn't in the budget, what are my options? The mid-70s BMW tanks (like the R90s) are a lot closer to the roadster than the Interstate is, has anyone fitted one? Alternately, any idea on the fuel capacity of a Norvil-style tank? Kinda like this one, if I were brave enough to buy a painted tank from India. https://www.ebay.com/itm/New-Norton...850032?hash=item420a9c31b0:g:MI4AAOSwt8JdqAQ0
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