Canadian 06.6625 Ignition switch disassembled, cleaned with photos

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Jul 14, 2014
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I was disappointed with my new ignition switch installed on my Canadian Mk3 and had come to the realization that maybe a closer look at my now shelved 30825A original switch was now the best solution. It is a standard construction Lucas rotary switch spring loaded and staked together.

Externally it cleaned up very well and you can see the four stake locations.

Canadian 06.6625 Ignition switch disassembled, cleaned with photos
First step was to find a suitable way to hold the switch while "unstaking" the four main concern was spring loaded pieces flying away which turned out to be not the case.

I found that I had a set of soft aluminum jaws used for suspension work fit the Lucas 30825A perfectly and could do the job. These soft jaws were designed to hold 40mm components. You could bore an 1.5" hole in wood, cut it in half and have the same tool.

Canadian 06.6625 Ignition switch disassembled, cleaned with photos
So clamped Lucas ignition switch in tool/vise and was able to tap only one stake location. The other three locations I used a flat blade screwdriver with a thin steel sheet metal 2"x 6"x 0.060" against the brass electrical tabs and just twisted the stakes away. It still slightly bent a couple of tabs that were easily straightened later.

Once the stakes are free the switch tab panel has a slight spring preload, but only for 1/8 inch or so.

Canadian 06.6625 Ignition switch disassembled, cleaned with photos

Here the tab panel is tabs down exposing the contacts that are supposed to be clean.
The single contact is #4

The totally dirty contact pair is #1
The next step was to take the thin phenolic plate off and I did not get a photo of the copper before. This is after I cleaned the cooper with steel wool and a brass rotary brush on a Dremel low speed.

You can however see the dirty switch internals.

Canadian 06.6625 Ignition switch disassembled, cleaned with photos
Under the copper rotating plate there are four tiny springs arranged in a pattern to match the copper plate. They are held at their bottoms by a peg protruding from the white plastic piece they sit on .

Canadian 06.6625 Ignition switch disassembled, cleaned with photos
I set the four springs aside, held the switch together with my thumb and fore finger and cleaned the switch holding it dirty end down.
Dental tools, Dremel with brass rotary .
I can see this portion comes apart, but I did not want to disassemble the spring and ball I saw further in.
After cleaning, I was able to reach in with a tiny glob of silicone grease on a toothpick and deposit on the four notches and spring/ball .

The copper and phenolic plates were gently cleaned further......and I was planning on epoxy the final tab plate back on.

I reassembled all pieces and found I could gently hold all together with thumb and forefinger and actually test the switch!

IT WORKS! .................All contacts off at off position and the other contacts work as needed.

I worried about a gentle way of holding all together as all I had to clamp was a big "C" clamp.

Using a 9/16 socket and simply the weight of the clamp, softly in place, I held all together.

Canadian 06.6625 Ignition switch disassembled, cleaned with photos
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I simply "staked " the switch back together, at the same four locations, with a punch. I was too gentle at first, but a restake firmed all up.

Retest confirms all works as needed with 2-3 ohms at each location.
We live in a time of "component replacement". Nice to see someone actually repair something.
Great repair work , a lot dirtier/corroded than mine when I took it apart. I'm basically a little kid who likes to take things apart to see how they work. Mine went back together using Dielectric grease smeared a bit too generously in retrospect on the plates and springs.
Thx for this level of detail. I took mine apart shortly after buying my bike two Januarys ago. It was not making decent contact. The phenolic plate(s) cracked up nastily when I pryed the staking up. Became disheartened and got on to other more pressing work, ultimately replacing the switch with the Emgo facsimile....later discovering that although sold as a drop in substitute, it does not have the same circuit pattern as OEM, so had to lose the parking lights only mode.
Maybe one rainy day I'll have another go at repairing the Lucas.
That switch of yours looked really bad in comparison to mine [ 42 years old ] that gave trouble. Mine was full of grey powdery gunge, which when cleaned out, left a perfectly shiny set of contacts. Mine went back together with some dielectric grease and is still working well. They are really easy to service.
I'd read Mike Ts fix that Canuck posted just before my switch stopped working with lts on. But just took apart and cleaned it holding in hand. Works fine- 73 750 with 28000 miles, was not dirty inside at all. If it gives trouble again I'd do Mikes repair.
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