Firstly... Not quite sure where I've 'defended' China and her products, as consumers it's a free market and we can buy from who or where we like, but good luck sourcing 'Made In England', the 'why's and wherefores' for that are a whole different ballgame....
Yes, animal welfare and cruelty is rife in China, but sadly that's endemic in most cultures if you care to dig, but many will be overlooked if there's mitigating circumstances. (Spanish holidays?)
You say: 'but it's not about the people..' But my view is IT IS... If you don't buy a fridge because it's: 'Made In China' who will that impact? I'm guessing the guy that makes it rather than Mr President. As I've pointed out elsewhere, trying to educate the natives is a risky business, and prone to backfiring. It's not an ideal world and never will be, Covid-19 has put the spotlight on China, but I'm guessing had it not happened, 99% of the world wouldn't have given a flying f*ck about China.