Enjoying exceptional weather few months ago, one early evening I decided to take a sprint downtown. Of course I had to stop for a couple of ales (JUST a couple) at a small-hole-in-the-wall type of place. The local ales are, btw sublime... nothing like a fresh brew! On leaving I noticed a cop parked along the road just ahead, like he was waiting for me to leave. Well, as I headed down the bayfront highway, it started to rain, so I increased my speed in an effort to not get completely soaked on my way back to my warehouse, about 3 miles inland.
As I'm in 4th doing a smooth 60 in a 35 zone, the distant blue lights in my mirror get my attention, so I pull over, and a half a minute later 2 squad cars pull up behind me. I was told they followed me because I turned my lights on (a second) after I pulled away from the curb, and then they knew I was speeding, but could not get an accurate reading (ha-ha!!!).
BUT, they knew where I had been, and decided to give me a roadside sobriety test, in the rain, which I passed without even trying. Needing to justify all the time they put into me, I was given a ticket for no headlights. I just went to court last week, the cop never showed up, and I beat the rap. Not bad cops, I just think they get bored sometimes!