While the forum is growing...

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Jan 15, 2008
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...with the inclusion of several new and welcomed sections, why not add a new section dedicated to restoration threads, and move the appropriate active project threads over there? Most every other forum has that type of section and they are well utilized.

Whether or not this idea get incorporated, this forum is head and shoulders above any of the other Norton-related forums I've seen or am currently active on (including my own!).
Jeandr, that link of your work is very very impressive.

I now feel inadequate, and have just made an appointment with a counselor. :lol:
Jeandr said:
Good idea, while I post my pictures on my PBase account ( http://www.pbase.com/jeandr/cafe_racer ) I could post a reduced number to show major milestones.


Hi Jean,

Just had a look at your picture gallery . . . . . WOW :shock:

What an amazing amount of work it's hard to pick any one thing out as it's all done to a very high standard.

Sorry to hear about you shoulder, nice touch putting the x-ray up :D with your talents you probably took the x-ray yourself & set the brake!! or better still you probably built the x-ray machine :shock:

One question, what kickstart lever did you use to match the splines on the Norton kickstart shaft (I hope you don't tell me you machined your own kickstart shaft!!!)

Once again fantastic work it was a pleasure looking through the images of your work.

Thank you all for the nice comments.

Kevin: I wanted to have a copy of my own shoulder since the pictures were all digital, but I did not get them (yet), the picture is of someone else. I will get them some day, but in the meantime, it will have to do.

For the kickstart pedal, I used the spline part from an old lever I had in my junk box mated to a Honda CB750 kick start pedal. Total cost of this one is $15 for the Honda part, $5 for a new rubber, $20 for welding and $125 for chrome. Compared to a stock Norton lever, it hugs the bike closer and it is a little cheaper while being very different.

Wait until I get the tank and other painted pieces, should look nice then :-)

Look from time to time on my Pbase picture page, I put new pictures when I have made pogress.

GP, I sent the clip tuesday, you should get it soon. As for pictures, you may be right, links are easier and I would swamp the forum pages everytime a new one was put up. Maybe providing a "sticky" with active projects and a link to outside pages like Pbase, Flickr or Photobucket would be better.

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