Wheel Removal - Front and rear stands?

Aug 27, 2013
I have a '66 Atlas and would like to remove the front and rear wheels. In the past, on modern bikes, I have used a front stand that plugs into the bottom of the headset to raise the front wheel, and a swing arm stand for the rear.

What is the best way to do this with an Atlas? Do similar stands exist?
An Atlas specific stand most likely does not exist, the best thing to do IMOHO would be to either build one similar to what is commercially available or adapt an existing one to the Atlas.

1. Get yourself a two-by-four inch wooden board about two feet long and put it on the floor against the feet of your centerstand.
2. Rock the bike to each side enough that you can move the board under each foot of the stand in turn.

3. Now the bike is an extra 1.5" or more off the ground and you can take each wheel off much easier. When you detach either the front or rear wheel, the weight off that end of the bike will make it rise up.
Great idea. I'll try that. That should give plenty of room to drop either wheel.


I use a front stand just had to make a pin to suit the yoke stem. Use bobbins on the rear shock for the rear.
This only works if you can get the stand arms inside whichever exhaust system you are using.
I have inched a piece of wood under each centerstand leg at a time but you will need a counter weight to keep the desired end up. Also made a rectanle box out of 2" conduit + fittings with a 4 ft lever handle on a T fitting to place at front or rear of frame to lift one end or the other w/o a counter weight. Handle off center so box falls over a bit on handle to stablize automatically. Handle not that tightly clamped so twists on tube to fold up flat and lean on wall out the way. Foam and thick carpet layers conform to frame and protect finish. Interesting to see where the fr/rr balance point is with it.