What's the original location of the 'Norton' script

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My tank stripes are original, but the decal isn't. A previous owner repainted the tank but masked out the original stripes. Thus my tank is two-tone black with crooked decals. Not exactly ideal :?
pete.v said:
Take a look in the mirror. Notice how one side droops a little lower than the other? What are you going to do about that? Do you think that makes you less perfect in the eyes of your creator? Would you wear a thicker shoe on one side and maybe carry your purse on the high side to even it all out?

P.S. If you don't notice a difference then your not looking as close at yourself as you do to your Norton. I'm probable the same way but can't accept it either. :|

If your post was intended as a reply to mine, then I have to say ..... apples and oranges.
I think that we all would expect a bit of variance in an organic structure like a face, a leaf or a rock. but when laying out something in two dimensions.... parallel is parallel.
We could measure it out to the mm. but I guess in the end, if it looks straight, it is straight. good enough right?

Speaking of, the decal on the sidecover in your avatar looks crooked to me too. It appears to rise slightly, the exact opposite of the sidecover in the guts ad.
I think "right about there" is the way the original stickers were applied. After lunch at the pub would not surprise me if some went on upside down. (those at least were probably pulled back off and set "right" before shipment). :mrgreen:
Biscuit said:
I think "right about there" is the way the original stickers were applied. After lunch at the pub would not surprise me if some went on upside down. (those at least were probably pulled back off and set "right" before shipment). :mrgreen:
I suspect you are right. The bottom of one of my original tank-stripes has a nice smear which suggest an extra pint on a Friday lunch before heading back to the factory. I like originality, but I think I'll pass on redoing smears!
Norton Factory 1974.

Pin Stripe guy coming back from lunch.

"What happened to that Roadster tank with the smeared pinstripe?"
Kinda funny to shun factory smudges as the honest anal car restorers go to some lenghts not to mask off areas that factory over spray occured in mass produced under coats or engine compartment. A few decades from now someone will curse those that removed factory era evidence : -) Anywwho do what ya must to live with yourself on this eye sore authentic detail only your hair dresser will know for sure.
Mark said:
p400 said:
Nielsen said:
What's the original location of the 'Norton' script
This is stock ????
Maybe it's just my OCD, but both decals look crooked to me.
The tank decal appears to rise in the rear while the sidecover lettering drops in the rear.

Precisely - and in my opinion it looks horrible - but clearly original - so me thinks we protest too much !!

Id do what suited me and whose to say Im wrong.
OK, here's the latest update. I stripped the tank, took it to the painter and he gave it a base coat and clear coat, which he rubbed down with 600 grit. I then masked the stripes and the stencils I bought from a member here (and which are fabulous), and then rather than painting the gold, used 23 karat gold leaf. I have never worked with gold leaf before and if you so much as look at it sideways it curls up, blows away, sticks to your fingers, doesn't stick where you want it to, and/or tears...... Anyway, but the time I fix up the little blemishes and have the last clear coat, it should look respectable.

OK, I've copied the image, I've copied the URL, I've tried every @#$%^& combo and can't attach a photo here when I use the IMG button. I've uploaded the photo to photobucket. What am I doing wrong.....

............ Grrrrrrrrr.....can't figure it out.
Without using the Img button, your link should look something like this.

http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/ mm18/frohn-nielsen/P1090544_zpslci8cbon.jpg

It just goes between the sq brackets img and /img symbols.

(Note there is no security on photobucket albums these days,
and I added a space in the link above, so it all shows (and doesn't work).
Is there an issue if a piece of nano gold lands where it shouldn't and its settled down completely or does it take something sticky or pressing down to stick? Does it stick to hard tools? What quanity would ya order next time?

What's the original location of the 'Norton' script
Not sure how I managed to do it, but here's that pic I was trying to upload..... That ks for your indulgence, patience, and help......

What's the original location of the 'Norton' script
Put the bike on it's wheels. Have someone hold it upright. Place the tank where it goes and orient the script level. Placing it a smidge higher than center makes the tank look bigger. Get the one on the left side where you like it and then match the right side for height, level and centering on the front section.
Mark said:
p400 said:
This is stock ????
Maybe it's just my OCD, but both decals look crooked to me.
The tank decal appears to rise in the rear while the sidecover lettering drops in the rear.

I agree. Who's to say the guy who put it on in the factory wasn't hung over that day?
Any script aanyplace looks better than those stupid green balls N-V paid an "image consultant" £20,000 to dream up! Immediately after the green ball loga was canned, the old Norton script was resurrected as a decal. Since almost all the early batch of 1968 bikes were silver, the logo was done in black.

I'd emigrated before the bigger script and the tank lines appeared. I still suspect the decals were put on "by eye" without any location templates.
hobot said:
Is there an issue if a piece of nano gold lands where it shouldn't and its settled down completely or does it take something sticky or pressing down to stick? Does it stick to hard tools? What quanity would ya order next time?

I found that a very fine paintbrush--a really tiny, good quality one--with a drop of mineral spirits picks up any errant bit of gold leaf. It also allowed me to clean some of the edges that were not razor sharp. My 59 year old eyes require a magnifying glass, but it works great. Finally, the mineral spirits pick up any tiny errors with the taping that led to leakage of the gold size. It is a steep learning curve!
frankdamp said:
I still suspect the decals were put on "by eye" without any location templates.
That's what I think too. In which case none of us would have kept our jobs as "sticker applier" back in the day,,, too anal retentive.
"Sorry mate, we'll have to let you go, I know the stickers you put on the tanks and side covers are all spot on, but we really have to have a bit more than 8 per day". :roll:
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