What some people do to featherbeds...

robs ss

Aug 16, 2016
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While looking for old pictures for the embarrassing photos thread I came across these...
I took them at the Easter Bathurst races (no longer held).
It says something about the strength of the frame.

BTW - that's a 4 cylinder Ford Cortina engine.
Funny... can't see a kickstarter??
What some people do to featherbeds...
What some people do to featherbeds...
I remember that bike fairly well. There was a write up on it in “Two Wheels” magazine back in the late 70s, and I also had a good look at the bike at Bathurst in the late 70s. The bike was built by a Uni student studying mechanical engineering and was apparently used as part of a major assignment. But from my memory it was a standard 1600cc GT Cortina engine so possibly it progressed a bit from there. The magazine article referred to it as a Nortina or a Corton.

Hillman Limp engine. Popular choice for sidecar outfits at one time but looks a bit fugly in a Featherbed frame. Picture taken at the motor museum on the Isle of Man.
What some people do to featherbeds...
I've seen an imp engine in a commando
It was extremely well engineered
I got the chance to buy a Nor-Imp project many moons ago. On balance, I’m glad I didn’t...
I wouldn't want to make that contraption angry. Bet if you punched it you'd leave the back wheel in a mass of smoking plasma.
'Because I can' - is never a good reason for doing anything. In later life one of my bosses was a young mechanical engineer. I showed him my Seeley 850 and he said " I am impressed'. I did not say anything, but I know what he is - and is not capable of doing. I am not an engineer, but I have been down many paths. My Seeley 850 was built to function, it was not a thought bubble. In Australia, engineering is a lead profession, science is secondary. As a scientist, I have mainly worked in engineering environments. Engineering is my hobby, NOT my job.
It is really funny. A motorcyclist friend of mine is a godbotherer and has a lot of godbotherer friends. They specialise in saving bikie gang members from sex, drugs and rock and roll. Between them they built a bike with a turbocharged Chev V8 engine. Then took it in turns trying to ride it. Every one of them who tried to ride the bike, crashed it. And some went to hospital - but they keep trying. One look at that bike is enough - I would not touch it with a barge pole.
I remember that bike fairly well. There was a write up on it in “Two Wheels” magazine back in the late 70s, and I also had a good look at the bike at Bathurst in the late 70s. The bike was built by a Uni student studying mechanical engineering and was apparently used as part of a major assignment. But from my memory it was a standard 1600cc GT Cortina engine so possibly it progressed a bit from there. The magazine article referred to it as a Nortina or a Corton.

Ando - sorry for not responding earlier - just checking my facts.
It was definitely Bathurst 1980 that I took those pics - and it had Queensland plates on it.
Which means, if it actually was from Queensland, it had travelled over 1000km to get there.
Says something about durability, if nothing else, I suppose.
Such a waste of a good frame says something about the bike's owner. A two-valve Jawa motor in that frame would be a much better bike to ride. - 'A little knowledge is dangerous' ? Some people enjoy doing simple-minded shit. Even if the car motor turned out 100 BHP - a 50 BHP Jawa motor in that frame would make a faster, more reliable and much better-handling bike.
Sorry for putting that on your thread, don’t know where he got his frame from. Interestingly, I saw a double engine Hillman Imp and rather long solo at Doddington Park about 20 years ago, I know I have some 35mm images of it will have to go and fish them pot and see if it is in a f/b frame.