Here is a blatant example of how citing a bad source can lead to false conclusions. For instance, the author claims:Good explanation here:
What do Rake and Trail mean on a Motorcycle?
BeMoto Motorcycle Insurance asks: What on earth is motorcycle rake and trail - What does boring high-school Geometry have to do with cool motorbikes?
"Finally, Fork Offset is the distance between the centre line of the steering head/stem and the centreline of the fork legs, with the steering pointed straight ahead. This is determined by the yokes, and the offset plays a big part in determining the trail – more offset will mean more trail, less offset reduces trail."
That statementy is obviously wrong. When you increase the offset (making it larger), the trail becomes smaller. This means the front wheel is closer to the steering axis. Smaller trail can make the bike feel more responsive and agile, but it may sacrifice stability.
I suggest you replace the link by a thrustworthy source!
- Knut