Weathering the storm


Jul 11, 2010
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Well for the last 3weeks cyclone Alfred has been slowly moving south down the Queensland coast off shore, got as far south towards my hometown of Brisbane and turning slowly towards us the last 5 days getting ever so close, it moved from the tropics to the sub tropics ever so slowly at one stage was a cad 4 but as it got closer to us and heading for land it dropped to a cad 2, well early hours of Saturday morning it crossed Moreton Island across the bay from my place, but as soon as it hit land it dropped to a cad 1 with high winds and lots of rain, it moved slowly NNE and sat off the northern end of Bribie Island just north of me since Saturday before turning into a full on rain depression with high winds of 90kmph and more.
Frome Frazer Island and all the way south over the Queensland/NSW border our exposed beaches have copped it, beaches washed away, major flooding some places with more than 900mm of rain fall and more, my place has had over 400mm since Saturday morning and it's still raining, my drainage system around my shed can't handle the water and starting to get some seepage inside my shed floor and there more in the rain to come.
Been house bound since Thursday and lost power from 4am Saturday for over 8hrs, a tree blew over on the power lines just around the corner from me but a record of over 300k houses without power around Brisbane and down the Gold Coast and outline bay islands without any power, some places are going to be without power for over a week or more so many tree falling over powerlines power workers are coming from all over the state as well interstate to help restore power.
Off the coast some waves were recorded at 13mtr high and fools on jet skies out, putting themselves in danger, 2 had to be rescued Saturday putting others lives in danger to save them, people driving into flooded water (I got a 4x4 it can cross it, not) what's wrong with these fools a family 2 adults and 4 young kids, needed rescuing from crossing a flooded causeway in their 4x4, not heeding to the warnings of not crossing if flooded, endangering their own and other lives to save them, brain dead idiots, lost of car and big fines for their troubles.
Well the rain has just stopped here for the first time since Friday night, for how long who knows.
This is the first cyclone to make it this far south in 50 years which caused the great 74 floods of Brisbane, its now our Autum and Cyclone season is just about over for the top end of Australia, but then you never know with mother nature, she rules and out of our hands.

Where I live, the rivers lead into the Murray River which falls at a rate of about one third of a meter per kilometer. Nearly every town is built on a flood plain. My home is on a slight rise, but nobody really has immunity from flooding. Last year, there were cinders falling on my house. We just need to live with the fact that we might lose everything. If we are aware of the facts, the impact of a bad event will be less. Psychological factors are important. I never worry about what might happen - I just do what I can to minimise the risks. Do you worry about being killed when you ride a motorcycle ? - the thought never enters my mind when I do that. My wife worries about being killed in a car accident, when she is sitting inside a fairly strong tin can and doing almost zero speed. It is really strange - I once worked where we made nitroglycerine by the batch process. I only went to where is was happening when I had reason to go there. But when you are inside the building, the thought that you might suddenly no longer exist never enters your head.
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Well for the last 3weeks cyclone Alfred has been slowly moving south down the Queensland coast off shore, got as far south towards my hometown of Brisbane and turning slowly towards us the last 5 days getting ever so close, it moved from the tropics to the sub tropics ever so slowly at one stage was a cad 4 but as it got closer to us and heading for land it dropped to a cad 2, well early hours of Saturday morning it crossed Moreton Island across the bay from my place, but as soon as it hit land it dropped to a cad 1 with high winds and lots of rain, it moved slowly NNE and sat off the northern end of Bribie Island just north of me since Saturday before turning into a full on rain depression with high winds of 90kmph and more.
Frome Frazer Island and all the way south over the Queensland/NSW border our exposed beaches have copped it, beaches washed away, major flooding some places with more than 900mm of rain fall and more, my place has had over 400mm since Saturday morning and it's still raining, my drainage system around my shed can't handle the water and starting to get some seepage inside my shed floor and there more in the rain to come.
Been house bound since Thursday and lost power from 4am Saturday for over 8hrs, a tree blew over on the power lines just around the corner from me but a record of over 300k houses without power around Brisbane and down the Gold Coast and outline bay islands without any power, some places are going to be without power for over a week or more so many tree falling over powerlines power workers are coming from all over the state as well interstate to help restore power.
Off the coast some waves were recorded at 13mtr high and fools on jet skies out, putting themselves in danger, 2 had to be rescued Saturday putting others lives in danger to save them, people driving into flooded water (I got a 4x4 it can cross it, not) what's wrong with these fools a family 2 adults and 4 young kids, needed rescuing from crossing a flooded causeway in their 4x4, not heeding to the warnings of not crossing if flooded, endangering their own and other lives to save them, brain dead idiots, lost of car and big fines for their troubles.
Well the rain has just stopped here for the first time since Friday night, for how long who knows.
This is the first cyclone to make it this far south in 50 years which caused the great 74 floods of Brisbane, its now our Autum and Cyclone season is just about over for the top end of Australia, but then you never know with mother nature, she rules and out of our hands.

Good luck with that Ash.
Do you worry about being killed when you ride a motorcycle ? - the thought never enters my mind when I do that. My wife worries about being killed in a car accident, when she is sitting inside a fairly strong tin can and doing almost zero speed. It is really strange - I once worked where we made nitroglycerine by the batch process. I only went to where is was happening when I had reason to go there. But when you are inside the building, the thought that you might suddenly no longer exist never enters your head.


Basic hard wiring differences....