Thanks Fast Eddie, an interesting read, looks like you spent a lot of time on it. My bike is all 'standard' European settings, as it left the factory, and with standard exhausts. And Champion N5 plugs. It is possible to make the engine pink with high gear / low revs, but easy not to ride in that 'zone'. I go for super unleaded wherever possible, and it feels like it runs nicer than it did in the last days of 4 star. I did put some aftermarket Triumph pattern 'sausage' silencers (use the word loosely) on it, and it did look 'right'. But the shape of them meant I couldnt fit passenger footrests, no biggie in itself, but the things broke - brazed joints came apart, so it was back to the standard exhausts. Will check for the air jet, but presumably being a UK bike, it wouldnt be fitted.