Venders we use and British marketing

mean gene

Dec 21, 2020
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Recently I purchased swingarm gussets, I thought, I got one. My fault, supplied per each. But you would not use just one, so I reordered, I ordered one. With that order I ordered mushroom adjusters, I got four as needed, and supplied as four. Another vender, I purchased a folding kicker, the boss came without a pinch bolt, it is not the same as Norton supplies. The kicker itself came without the pivot bolt again not a standard part. The kicker also has a hole for a spring detent, none was supplied! Same vender I purchased a Dave Taylor head steady. It did not include the socket head bolts needed to mount tower to cylinder head, again not a standard Norton bolt. I emailed latest vender and explained I was not jumping up and down screaming mad, but was disappointed with the lack almost everything needed! They did not even acknowledge receiving the email! No explanation of how to install a spring detent or if one could be. I am fortunate in the fact I am only minutes drive to a great hardware store that has a large selection of bolts. As far as the spring detent I can probably make something work. But their lack of concern about their products is concerning and 'IF' I have a choice will use another vender for my next purchases!
I was told a couple of decades ago from a local British store that British venders think us Yanks are too demanding and picky....
Not surprised you got no response, and probably won't....
I'm at the point I'm just happy to get parts, and deal with whatever...
My experience in NZ is that American vendors are more reliable than the UK. Andover Norton are generally good but most of the others are pretty dodgy.

Unfortunately the reliability of American vendors is not matched in the slightest by their courier services who are almost all very expensive and slow.

Jo Hunt Magnetos are the exception to this. Those guys are fraudulent, abusive and a bunch of crooks.
My experience in NZ is that American vendors are more reliable than the UK. Andover Norton are generally good but most of the others are pretty dodgy.

Unfortunately the reliability of American vendors is not matched in the slightest by their courier services who are almost all very expensive and slow.

Jo Hunt Magnetos are the exception to this. Those guys are fraudulent, abusive and a bunch of crooks.
Yup. If they had a presence in NZ they would have been in small claims court. Sent faulty fraudulent mags to NZ and abused us on the phone when we phoned them. They owe us about $1000. About 20 years ago now but I remember it very well.

I gave Jim at JS Motorsport all the details some years back.

My comment may seem harsh but my friend and I bought two brand new mags directly from Hunt in California. Both failed immediately. When I phoned them they told me it was our fault, that they weren't interested in what I had to say and denied any responsibility.

When we pulled the mags apart we found they were junk. Full of badly machined parts and poorly built.

Early Hunt mags are fine and it seems today's ones are OK too but the ones they sold us were rubbish.
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Those of us in the US really are lucky to have cNw, NYC Norton and some of the other Norton parts vendors.
Maybe, depending on the part and turnaround time required, an order placed with one of these vendors would solve some of the issues mentioned.
Yup. If they had a presence in NZ they would have been in small claims court. Sent faulty fraudulent mags to NZ and abused us on the phone when we phoned them. They owe us about $1000. About 20 years ago now but I remember it very well.

I gave Jim at JS Motorsport all the details some years back.

My comment may seem harsh but my friend and I bought two brand new mags directly from Hunt in California. Both failed immediately. When I phoned them they told me it was our fault, that they weren't interested in what I had to say and denied any responsibility.

When we pulled the mags apart we found they were junk. Full of badly machined parts and poorly built.

Early Hunt mags are fine and it seems today's ones are OK too but the ones they sold us were rubbish.

A common sales tactic to unload questionable or faulty parts.

I will say that the internet and review options for a vendor can be very effective.
Not motorcycle related but a couple of years ago I was sold a faulty item on Amazon, cost $400.
When I attempted to return the faulty item to the manufacturer under warranty they claimed the warranty was expired as it had been in effect since the date of production not the date of purchase.

I had spent a lot of time on the phone and exchanging email's with this company.
Their final answer...tough $hit...was loud and clear.
I found out from various retailers they had a run of bad product on the market and were getting hammered with return requests.

I left a scathing review of their various products on Amazon. I was pissed.
After 5 months later they contacted me claiming they were under new ownership and asked what it would take to remove my negative reviews.
I researched the new ownership claim, it was BS.
I'll give you one guess what my reply was.
I should not post this and I understand if Les or Jerry takes it down. I'm just trying to shed some light on selling Norton Parts.

Norton parts I have in stock (My Cost in USD):

Cost Vendor
$62,508.77 Andover Norton (some direct from AN and some from my Old Britts buyout)
$5,914.02 AMAL Premier Carb Sets
$3,133.60 Wassell (mostly Lucas and Hepolite)
$2,856.10 Tri-Spark
$2,244.39 Other Vendors (cNw, Don Pender, RGM, and others)

$76,656.88 Total

I have another $3,737.53 in Triumph Parts in stock.

I've made 16 sales this year (Norton and Triumph combined). My total profit is $362.13 but I just paid my business license today which was $476.10, with other shop costs I have quite a way to go to break even. BTW, I average around two phone calls and two emails a day, seven days a week, for help with Norton and Triumph not related to parts sales and no one is ever asked to pay anything for my time. One of the 16 sales started in Oct 2024 and after many phone calls and emails it was finally completed last month - Revenue: $25.00 - Profit: $0.43

Forum members never pay my listed prices, and my listed prices are usually below MSRP.

Those that buy from me know that I spend a lot of time helping on the phone and via email for free and I try very hard to catch mistakes rather than simply ship what is ordered - in other words, when you make a typo, I usually catch it. These calls and emails are in addition to the calls for non-parts relaced help.

I tell all this so people can understand that it is absolutely silly for me to sell parts! I started doing it to get the parts for my builds and since most vendors have minimum annual purchase requirements, I must keep ordering much more than I need.

Other sellers are trying to make a living selling parts - I am not. Every minute I spend working on parts orders takes away from chargeable time in my IT business so again, I'm a silly old fool for doing it! BTW: Even those trying to make a living selling Norton parts are probably squeaking by - there's no volume and you must have a massive inventory to come close to having what is ordered - I often am out of stock or don't stock everything needed for an order even with the ridiculous number of parts I have!

You can lookup what you want here: but disregard the prices and a better way is to send me an email with the parts (by number and description) you need. If you don't know the number, I'll try to work from the bikes and description.

1) The Bonneville Shop, generic 850 carb set, $744.09,
2) Steadfast, generic 850 carb set, $649.99,
3) My specific carb set for your 850: $525.00-$575.00 delivered in the US (depends on when I got it, Amal keeps having price increases). Right now, I have many 750 carb sets and a few 850 sets.

Overseas shipping:
A long as it can go and you are willing to use Priority International US Mail and your local mail, I will ship and it will normally get to your country in less than a week (usually 2-3 business days). How long it will take in your country I have no idea.

Until recently, all out of country required a lot of time at the post office, now I don't have to leave the shop. It does cost a lot but there's nothing I can do about that - you pay what I pay. UPS is too much trouble for smaller things. DHL and FedEx are simply too much trouble.

UPS works for things too heavy for USPS as long as under 150 lbs. I'll provide a quote - the country and desired speed make huge differences in cost. All are shipped with HSS code 8714.10.0050 - it's up to you on any customs - I have no clue of customs when leaving the US.

BTW, I have a matching numbers Combat engine and gearbox that I'm rebuilding anticipating someone outside the US needing - I don't have a title - the GB is ready - I haven't opened the engine yet, so I don't know the cost.
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Thanks Greg for all you do to help the Brit bike community - obvious a labor of love . I know you weren’t fishing for this but kudos to you just the same . Along with Greg I deal with Andover , RGM and Norvil . I have never been disappointed with anyone and I feel fortunate to have all available for what is , in all honesty , a hobby .
I have one “ vintage “ (1990) Japanese bike and it is far easier to source parts for my 1950’s era Nortons than it .