Ultrasonic cleaning>what cleaner?

Jul 24, 2006
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I've cleaned one of my Guzzi carbs in an utrasonic cleaner (one to go) using a drop of detergent and half a dishwashing tablet. The dirts all gone, but the alumin(i)um has gone to quite a dark colo(u)r now, and it doesn't look as good as before in that respect.

I can shine them up by hand, but is there a solution/ cleaning medium that will brighten them up without disolving the alum(i)nium that I can use in the ultrasonic cleaner?

The other obvious option is to soda blast/vapour blast, but I want to try and avoid this if possible.

I used Simple Green HD, the purple stuff. The green stuff will eat metal. I did it about 50/50 which was way stronger than they recommended. Worked fine. I also have the heated cleaner so that helps too.