When I installed EI in the P11, there weren't any options for magneto replacement housings, and/or EI units that go into the magneto replacement housings. Boyer for the Commando was about it. I'd already installed a Commando 2S cam in the P11 cases, and was running points in the timing case and 12V coils. Also running the motor battery less using a M.A.P. Mity Maxx. Installing the 2S cam is a sin in a P11, and one I regret now, but not so much then. To further compound my sins, I drilled a hole in the Primary case and painted a mark on the stator that lines up with the big mark on the alternator rotor when the crank is a 32 degrees BTDC. Doing this allowed me to time the ignition with a timing light without taking the primary cover off. I removed the points ignition and installed a Boyer MkIII. It was a real PITA to start the motor running battery less with the MkIII Boyer. So I put a small 12V 2.5amp battery behind the battery cover in a little custom tray to make starting the Boyer easier. I'd show a picture of where the battery is, but I still need to clean up the wiring. It looks like a crazy person did it. Could be one of those if the shoe fits deals.
In this odd ball scenario, when the crank is at TDC the nice big easy to see mark on the rotor is out of view in the window, and a small mark on the rotor lines up with that mark on the stator.
I don't have a tach on the P11, but I was able to hit full advance at what I felt was a reasonable RPM. Probably a little too much advance too soon, but the motor sure liked it. I've actually backed off on the timing to around 29-30 degrees all in. Idle is a little smoother. It sounded like I had a big cam where I had it set previously.
I ran the EI with 12V coils for 6900 miles before parking the P11 in the early 90's. This year when I pulled it back out of the corner of the garage, I installed a small dual output epoxy coil (e-coil). Spark while kick starting isn't as bright with the e-coil, but it never skips a beat.
I could put any EI product in there I want to take the time to install, but will be installing a Boyer MkIV as soon as it gets here. I'd probably get the Old Brits gizmo before I bought a TriSpark. But that is because I want to make America great again. Kidding, Old Brits is just down the road from me. I do like the price point of the Vape/Wassell, and probably would have gotten one from EuroTrash, if I didn't have a $80 credit with the vendor I bought the Boyer from. He had Pazon too, but I don't need to start over doing a simple Boyer black box swap.
The timing hole hack.
I use a BMW R1100GS rubber timing hole plug to seal it up.
I need to locate a bolt to replace that timed breather elbow. My 2S cam is a solid piece without the breather feature. The corrugated wire sheath is getting moved out of sight under the tank when I do the Boyer black box swap. As you can see by that flat spot on the peg rubber, I used to scrape the pegs a little riding the ole P11. Not that hard to do with pegs that low though.