Trip from Argentina to Alaska (not on a Norton)

Hi all, regular Norton rider here taking a year off work to ride from Argentina to Alaska (and beyond). My Mrs and I are both riding 650 single BMW's (Not Nortons I'm afraid ) Rough plan is to head South from Buenos Aires to Tierra Del Fuego for Christmas & New Year then start the ride North crossing over between Chile and Argentina depending on whats to see. Peru, Equador and Columbia in March/ April. Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras in April, spend May in Mexico, enter the US June, do a bit of Route 66, head for the Norton meet in Wyoming July, then Anchorage Alasaka, turn round and head for St Louis to finish the end part route 66, Niagra, Boston, NYC (We've got to be there for a friends wedding on 1st October) then head to Miami for some sun before shipping us and the bikes back around the first week of November 2013.
I'll be keeping my blog up to date when I can
Hopefully catch up with some of you along the way! :D
Howdy -- my daughter and I made a similar trip, other way round, three years ago. New Mexico to Buenos Aires. I now live and work in Santiago, Chile, which may be on your route.
You are launching a great trip, and will not regret it, I'd wager. If you feel the urge, you can take a look at and see who we are. If you care to, drop by for a glass on your way through...

cheers -- mike rafferty
Might make a stop at the Norton Rat's Nest bar and lounge down that way. Hope your gasoline is pure and safely return. Ask-check first on photo's of interesting people or Gov't places. Expect to pay brides to Federalies pretty regularly till above Rio Grande river. steve
One of my clubmates did this ride a few years ago when he retired from work. He and his wife rode from Vancouver BC, Canada to Tierra Del Fuego and home again. The following year they pointed the bike North and rode to the Yukon,thru part of Alaska. They took the Dempster Highway into the arctic circle, then home again.
They decided not to take a prewar bike, opted for a modern bike instead. They rode a 1948 Vincent Rapide. Zero problems,(except one broken speedo cable) something like 25,000 miles covered for the entire trip.

Good luck with the ride, they thoroughly enjoyed their adventure.
