(tranny) Oil filter routing for early commando.

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Apr 27, 2015
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I have a question about mounting a transmission oil filter (Jim's reccomended filter) on my '70 commando engine oil return line. I have the early oil tank and both oil lines travel vertically to the tank from the pump output block fixture. Would it be problematic to just simply mount the trans filter vertically into the oil return line? It seems to me that if I do that, then particles might settle out when the bike is at rest and fall back down into the oil pump gears to cause excessive wear...

I was thinking it would be better to elbow the return line from the output block so the oil filter was fixed horrizontally, then route the output side of the filter back towards the oil tank fitting. What do you think? Am I overthinking it?

Here's a picture of the early commando oil lines and fittings. (rusty banjo bolts and checked chrome on the timing cover included free)
(tranny) Oil filter routing for early commando.
Hi Frank,

I am going to fit a mag filter on my bike , tank at timing side . But by the size of them I think vertically mounted would be a bit of a tight fit on a center tank. probabbly the best way ,is as you suggested as I was thinking along similar lines if I put one on my 69 fb . When you fit it post some photos to see how it looks.

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