This may be the death of swap meets and the like!

The Fed is moving toward trialing digital currency, but it is a big step from that to eliminating cash all together, and there is widespread opposition to it across both sides of politics. No need to panic, just yet. America is not Sweden or China.

Interesting concept though. What would drug dealers use? All those storage lockers full of mountains of hundred dollar bills would be in their phone, and presumably trackable by Big Brother.

AWSHYTE HopperXL! You've given the Govt more reason to go digital ...... The Govt will be telling us, "This is to drive the drug lords out of business, and force them to pay taxes"

However, that might wake up the naive population among us that we will be giving up OUR privacy as well, so they may keep that line under wraps.

AWSHYTE HopperXL! You've given the Govt more reason to go digital ...... The Govt will be telling us, "This is to drive the drug lords out of business, and force them to pay taxes"

However, that might wake up the naive population among us that we will be giving up OUR privacy as well, so they may keep that line under wraps.

Yes, but tragically, the masses have been conditioned that they don't need privacy, that they can trust the government without question, and to divulge their every personal detail is for their own wellbeing, and also the common good.
The boil-a-frog technique.
I used to be ALL CASH. I was a waiter for many years all thru the 80s - high school, uni and after for a while. Living on tips and a sub minimum wage paycheck.

When I had a MC export company, I would carry thousands in cash to buy bikes on the spot.

Moving to NZ, it is almost cashless here now. EFTPOS (electronic funds transfer point of sale) rules here, and I only carry cash as an emergency when they system is down, which only happens once a year or so, or when I am at a farmers market or something.

NZ Post is also KiwiBank.

I don't really worry about being cashless with a malevolent government. Or whether or not I can afford health care. Or that I will catch COVID-19 here.

These damned socialists...
So, our children and grandchildren do not deserve the same freedoms we've enjoyed/treasured? (Carrying a goodly amount of cash, to be able to trade on the spot)
I've seen this logic before.
So, our children and grandchildren do not deserve the same freedoms we've enjoyed/treasured? (Carrying a goodly amount of cash, to be able to trade on the spot)
I've seen this logic before.
That was not at all what I was implying. Simply, I am not worried about a malevolent socialist government here in NZ. I am more worried about corporate greed
Remember that corporate greed is the same as it is for everyone else. How many people buy on price rather than quality? Fact is most of us fall prey to that at some time.
Does it matter if the problem is corporate or government? Not really. Out come similar.
I fully agree it is in the works .... the govt will know everything about you from what you buy.

Swap meets may still exist .... but dealers will have to take credit cards or PayPal. As far as paying the kid down the street to mow your lawn, forget it, you will be forced to hire a registered lawn service entity. You will not even be able to send the grand kids a Franklin in a greeting card.

The Govt will know your political affiliations, the organizations you contribute to, your hobbies, your lifestyle, .... everything. If they want to target you because of any such affiliations, you are toast.

Oh Lord, my God, is there any help for our country?

So essentially what can be determines already from a person's smart phone? The HORROR!