Things improving ?

Get rid of the bike and quit whining. It seems there are a lot of motorcycles out there that are so much better and you should have one of them. As for me, I'm one of those stupid Americans that doesn't know any better and I love my 961.
This is why I do NOT like the NOC UK ! Too much energy is spent bashing and not in support. There are snipers all over that site !
It’s really all about expectations.

If you buy a mass produced motorcycle from a multi-billion dollar, multi-national corporation, you know that the bike has undergone very extensive design/engineering/development. I would expect this machine to have pretty much perfect reliability.

When you are purchasing a motorcycle from what is a basic startup venture, with minimum assets, and resources, it’s a different matter completely. The initial 961 engineering was done by others (K. Dreer), and another company in the UK that does Formula1 design. This is quite different from having an in-house staff of a dozen engineers, lavishing their constant attention over a design for 12 to 24 months before the release of the production units for sale.

If you carefully evaluate what you are buying, then it should meet your expectations. Otherwise, you are almost certain to be unhappy with your purchase.
cehenard said:
Get rid of the bike and quit whining. It seems there are a lot of motorcycles out there that are so much better and you should have one of them. As for me, I'm one of those stupid Americans that doesn't know any better and I love my 961.

Never ceases to amaze me how much emotion the 961 stirs, both positive and negative. Seems that the fans and the haters are equally passionate. Reminds me of Harleys (hate them) and Ducatis (love them).

For you haters, a bit of advice -- if not too late, don't buy one. If you have one and aren't loving it, get rid of it and move on -- life's too short. Buy a Honda, Triumph or Toyota if that's what you want.

That way, the bike will end up with somebody that will appreciate it and the passion it invokes and you'll be able to focus your negativity elsewhere -- win/win.

I was out on my Ducati 916 this weekend and made my self laugh. After a spirited ride, I noticed that there were two drops of oil on the garage floor from the crankcase breather hose (not plugged). I "fixed" the problem by wiping up the oil. Guess Ducati wasn't concerned about the EPA. After taking delivery of my Norton 961, when cleaning it one day, I noticed the plug in the breather hose, so I removed it. It drained and I "fixed" the problem by wiping up the oil. For anybody that has been around bikes a lot, how could you not notice the plug??? It is crazy to me how much attention this issue has received. Yes, the factory could have explained the situation better, but come on! It's not that big a deal.

I'm at 5,400 miles in one year. The bike has been mostly trouble-free. My only issues have been a failed cush drive (replaced under warranty within 10 days) and my chain guard mount just broke. The bike has had a sporadic temperature sensor issue when riding on very hot days (100 degrees plus) in Central California, but I'm beginning to think that is how it is supposed to work when running that hot. Other than the breather hose, the bike is oil tight.

Meanwhile, it remains my bike of choice due to its combination of sweet handling, overall performance, beautiful music, comfort and.....passion. For the first time, exercising my other bikes has become more of a chore as I prefer to ride the 961.

Apologies for rambling.
BritTwit said:
It’s really all about expectations.

If you buy a mass produced motorcycle from a multi-billion dollar, multi-national corporation, you know that the bike has undergone very extensive design/engineering/development. I would expect this machine to have pretty much perfect reliability.

When you are purchasing a motorcycle from what is a basic startup venture, with minimum assets, and resources, it’s a different matter completely. The initial 961 engineering was done by others (K. Dreer), and another company in the UK that does Formula1 design. This is quite different from having an in-house staff of a dozen engineers, lavishing their constant attention over a design for 12 to 24 months before the release of the production units for sale.

If you carefully evaluate what you are buying, then it should meet your expectations. Otherwise, you are almost certain to be unhappy with your purchase.

You know, the only time I bitched is when waiting for my gearbox. I did NOT want to buy that Norton for all the reasons why I shouldn't. Brand new to the US, unproven. But oh! Whoa is me. The think is gorgeous bad as emeffing to the bone. Totally blows the Beemer Nine T away. (aesthetically and and quality of exterior components) So simple, easy to clean. The Duc Monster and the Beemer just looked so complicated. Great bikes in their own right, almost bought either of them. But oh that Brit beauty queen. I've been on the road quite a bit. Did 2K in the past3 months. Loving it. As for the oil leak...yea...I'm concerned. Like my old Bonnies, wipe and forget about it. I will address the issue come winter before my warranty wears out, but man, am I having a ball. Even living a few miles from the dealer, I'm garnering a whole lot of attention at the gatherings. Could I be happier and more satisfied? Yea. I guess, with customer service and if it were trouble free. With another bike? No way. This bike just ruined any kind of future relationship I could have with another.
Britfan60 said:
You know, the only time I bitched is when waiting for my gearbox. I did NOT want to buy that Norton for all the reasons why I shouldn't. Brand new to the US, unproven. But oh! Whoa is me. The think is gorgeous bad as emeffing to the bone. Totally blows the Beemer Nine T away. (aesthetically and and quality of exterior components) So simple, easy to clean. The Duc Monster and the Beemer just looked so complicated. Great bikes in their own right, almost bought either of them. But oh that Brit beauty queen. I've been on the road quite a bit. Did 2K in the past3 months. Loving it. As for the oil leak...yea...I'm concerned. Like my old Bonnies, wipe and forget about it. I will address the issue come winter before my warranty wears out, but man, am I having a ball. Even living a few miles from the dealer, I'm garnering a whole lot of attention at the gatherings. Could I be happier and more satisfied? Yea. I guess, with customer service and if it were trouble free. With another bike? No way. This bike just ruined any kind of future relationship I could have with another.

And with your warranty and customer service issues, you have a right to bitch. But, it is certainly nice to hear you still love the bike. I am in love with mine to the point (as you guys know) I bought a second one to race.
What Canadian and US owners need to appreciate is that UK owners have had a different buying experience to you guy's, particularly those like me who bought up to mid 2012.

I still love my 961 sport as much as I did when new 3 years go despite one or two hiccups, but the lies and incompetence from the factory leaves a bad taste.
So much so that some owners if they're still getting problems with the bike and factory feel the need to vent online!!
der said:
What Canadian and US owners need to appreciate is that UK owners have had a different buying experience to you guy's, particularly those like me who bought up to mid 2012.

I still love my 961 sport as much as I did when new 3 years go despite one or two hiccups, but the lies and incompetence from the factory leaves a bad taste.
So much so that some owners if they're still getting problems with the bike and factory feel the need to vent online!!

Very well put. There have also been US buyers that put down deposits with South Bay as far back as 2012 - 2013 and are just now receiving their bikes. They also have negative (justifiably so) statements about their Norton experience.

I was also interested in purchasing a 961 back in 2012, but decided to wait until the bike had some exposure and improvements. I have stated several times in posts, that I own a CNC machine shop. For almost 40 years I have developed and put into production complex mechanical assemblies. Because of this I never buy first "editions" of any machine. You just cannot catch everything in initial development, nor the problems that arise from turning over the developed product to a outside vendors, and the production problems that arise that were not apparent in prototype testing. I still remember my father telling me (he was an automotive and aircraft engine mechanic, and raced NASCAR back in the late 1940's and 50's) that you should never buy an engine in its first year of production. My manufacturing experience has reinforced this fatherly advise

But, I will add, that negative comments can get to the point of annoyance, especially when repeated on such a regular basis. I know Norton enthusiasts that have quit reading or associating with NOC because of the level of negativity involved (I am not a reader of the NOC, and this is just heresay from friends)

I respect the right of 961Story to post his opinions. But this is an open forum, and you should not express your opinions if you cannot have them challenged. I appreciate and encourage open discourse, and hope that 961Story continues his posts. But, I will challenge statements like "things are getting worse". If they are getting worse, I would appreciate the warning, but please explain why you think things are getting worse. I have requested 961Story to expand on his statements. WHAT is getting worse, WHAT have you seen or heard, WHO are you sources for information. The only response I have received via this board is to be grouped with everyone as "little people" or "typical Americans with our heads in the sand" These derogatory statements are enough for me to not take anything that 961Story says as reliable

This is my last post on this thread. I have spent too much time already "beating a dead horse" LOL

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