The Official 2019 Barber Vintage Festival Thread

Apr 15, 2009
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I’m starting this one late.

Instead of the epic Norton ride we take this year we’re using modern technology and taking a new fangled jet aeroplane. These aeroplane things go like 200 mph!

Anyways, there’s a gang of four Norton geezers coming in from Portland. Plus my brother who’s driving from NC. We’re all meeting up at Barber and will be causing as much of a ruckus as old people can.

We have two that have never been so that’s always fun to see the wide-eyed excitement when they try to take it all in.

Who’s making it this year? We always count on seeing Kenny and Jim in the pits. And wandering through Turn 6. And taking in the swap meet and museum.

Hopefully no f’n hurricane to chase us away this time!
Camping in Lot B with all the miscreants and working the pit of #179.
Mates, looking to ride over from ATL on the Norton on Saturday of the festival. I don’t have tickets or passes yet. Can that be purchased day of? Where can i find the Norton owners assoc while there? What pass do i need to get to them?
Thanks for any info. Will obviously be my first time the the vintage festival
You can buy a ticket there. Last year they sold them at Hampton Inn across the street from the road into Barber . There is an ACE CORNER upgrade for additional cost which gets you into a nice place to watch races and have a beer. Museum tickets are a seperate fee. You don't have to go to the museum but it's really impressive. The Norton group will be along the fence of the track with people camping and I'm sure a big banner. If you are planning to spend the night Saturday you may have to "count on the kindness of strangers" as I'm sure camping passes are gone and hotels are booked. It's a pretty big deal.
Hoping to say hi to as many of the Norton faithful as I can. I generally spend a lot of time on Norton hill, I think the Norton folks call it Turn 6 in honor of the old Daytona tradition? Usually all are welcome but it's supposed to be for INOA members if you want to indulge in food & beverage. They do a bang up job, and it's an excellent area to watch vintage road racing. The rest of the time I'm in the pit's, swap meet area, riding the shuttles, checking out the vintage MX & trials or hanging around the Patrick P11 racer in the museum. Supposed to be a sultry South weather pattern this year. C-ya there.
It’s always fun to have an AccessNorton meet up at the event. Does anyone have a recommendation as to when or where?
How about everyone wear their AccessNorton shirts on Sunday? I promise to stop everyone I see. Be warned you will have your picture taken.
had a highway mishap with the truck, nobody's hurt but we turned around and came home , enjoy the heat!
It’s hot here.

We walked the swap meet. They have an additional swap meet area now. Saw a few Norton parts. Haven’t bought anything. Yet.

Visited with @homeslice at the NYC Norton pits. One of his riders went down. Bike landed onto of him so no damage to the bike. That the good news. Bad news is they need another rider. Not sure why Kenny didn’t ask me.

More sweating on the agenda tomorrow. Going to head to Norton Hill for lunch. I’ll be the one with the Oregon Norton shirt on. And sweating.

Then to the museum on Sunday when we can’t take anymore heat.

As always it’s a fantastic event. Pictures later.
Thanks to Ronnie for some of the photos.

The Official 2019 Barber Vintage Festival Thread

@Mike T is taking the picture. But the rest of the crew outside of Ace Corner. Four of us came from Portland and met up with my brother from NC.

The Official 2019 Barber Vintage Festival Thread

The Official 2019 Barber Vintage Festival Thread

The Official 2019 Barber Vintage Festival Thread

The Official 2019 Barber Vintage Festival Thread