LOL Same here, My wife seems to kick me too! And not just when I joke about girlfriends. But the Trispark will make the bike a 1 or 2 kick bike. From cold or hot.
There are belt drive primary systems out there that have different ratios. Maybe you can find one to give more mechanical advantage than stock and use along with other items mentioned.
I considered a belt drive but it seems to offer few advantages in my kind of use and a couple of detriments. It was also expensive and my budget ain't what it was.
I think the real disadvantages of belt drives might happen after I'm dead, no longer available belt, and replacement by time interval, not wear.
Just a followup. I did the easy to change things first, changed from straight 50 weight to 20-50 and moved the kick lever back a little so the compression kick would be straight down. Seems to help some. I noticed when I took off the kick lever that a potion of the splines on the lever are damaged, kind of a whole section bent back if you will. This seems to cause some sideways motion when kicking that doesn't help. Any leads for a cheap kick lever with good splines?
The splines on the shaft are harder than the splines in the hole in the kickstart, so if the nut is not done up tight enough the kickstart splines suffer. Mine was the same and I bought a new one as all the second hand ones were already or going the same way.
the over driven belt drive is one of the best solutions. if you over drive the primary from the stock ratio it WILL make it easier to kick along with putting less stress INTO the gearbox. the next advantage is you will run a smaller counter shaft sprocket and this will put less stress on the gearbox also. the other side benefits are a lot lighter flywheel on the gearbox main shaft. less harmonic vibrations on the gears due to the lighter drive system and a dry primary so NO OIL LEAKS there :mrgreen:
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