The "Gus" paint job question

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Mar 16, 2011
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So, I'm having Brent from Vintage Vendor paint my 74 mk2 tank, fenders, side cases in the new classic "Gus" scheme.
The only question I have is the design of the fenders incorporated into this scheme. Below is the scheme for the tank and side covers:
The "Gus" paint job question

I don't have photoshop, so imagine this scheme with black on the outside, red center with gold pin-stripe.
Is this too bold? Or should it simply be black with gold pin-stripping?

*Use your imagination with this pix below.
The "Gus" paint job question


*Note: The original "Gus" rear fender is OEM no paint. I plan on matching the front. (Yes, I did get the CNW fender.)

*The "Gus" paint scheme is really a good story about some old school dudes up in vermont.
The "Gus" paint job question

The "Fuss about Gus" story behind this paint scheme can be found : ... 180928.pdf

I am a big fan of Black and Red, with gold.
Sadly, TRIUMPH used it on their late seventies Bonnevilles.
No offence.
The other option on the fenders is to use red and gold pin stripes so that the center of the fender is stil black. Just a thought.

Personally, I don't like it. I'd stick with solid black , gold pinstripe at the most. Ultimately, though, your opinion is the only one that matters (however, if you do paint the fender, it'll make it different than mine).

I realize this is old but as the 'new ' owner of Gus, if anyone ever has a question I'm happy to answer.
That said, since buying Gus, we've put some miles on him. It was pretty apparent the PO did not ride him that much - Gus was in immaculate condition the day we bought him to the point of it being apparent Gus wan't ridden very far at all. Now we have about 1,200 miles on him , including about 600 miles and 24 hours or saddle time during the INOA rally this summer.

While Gus performed well, I have to say he was NOT build near the level of a CNW rebuild or even verses what I did when rebuilding my '75 Mk III which I bought new and did a frame-off rest on in 2008/9. While Gus' motor and tranny are strong, the rest of the bike still needs a LOT of work and upgrading.

Anyway, if anyone wants more detailed shots of Gus' paint job, we're happy to oblige.
I can't count how many bikes Brent has done for me now. He is surely the person for the job. Personally, I dig the Gus scheme, fenders and all. The red, gold and black compliment the contours of these bikes very well. For what little my opinion may count, I say go for it. Every other Norton has mirror finished mug guards. Stand out in the crowd.
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