The great airbox debate...

Wouldn't swapping the seat for an arse be worse:D
Most of the time it is a seat AND an arse so removing one has got to be advantageous!
As FE says, it is difficult to visualise the required air getting to the airbox, the riders legs also form an additional barrier either side of the airbox when sitting on the bike - it’s a miracle these bikes work at all.
The idea behind trying it on the dyno without the seat fitted is simply to test the hypothesis that air flow to the airbox is a bottleneck.
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Enough already here is what we need:

A ram air induction system from the classic forum.
Built by a designer Rainier in Germany for LSR racing at the great salt flats.
Needs a bit of refinement, but this should eliminate any breathing issues on the 961.

The great airbox debate...

Ok, now somebody, get to work.