The dry Norton

Nov 26, 2009
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My sump after a couple years of riding without being cleaned. Dirty but not a drop of oil anywhere thanks to yamabond sealer on the case joints, oversize Orings throughout, fiberglass reinforced silicone gaskets and pliobond on the copper head gasket. The black rubber hose goes to an oil cooler.

The dry Norton
Because he lives in a climate that is innocent of airborne water. Many of us an only imagine what that is like.
I have a freak 850 Norton as mine does not leak oil at all from new and 2 rebuilds (one major rebuild and one replacing the crank cases), always used yammy bond on the crank cases and copper spray gasket on the head gasket, my primary does not leak at all as I never over tighten the centre mounting nut and I have never used any sealant on that big O ring as well I never over fill my gear box so no GB oil gets into the primary.
So do I have a freak Norton or just good maintenance and care.

British motorcycles are REAL motorcycles. I like those flat lensed goggles the Spitfire pilots used to wear to keep the oil out of their eyes. All other motorcyclists should wear them when other guys ride British motorcycles.
I once raced my Triton 500 against Steve Oszko who was riding a 500cc Manx, He said he could feel the oil droplets from my bike hitting him.
Ooooh! A racing thread. Goody! Just like when real women had real bosoms and the one behind noticed the droplets if not wearing goggles.
I get the sh its when fools say, British bikes, they leak oil and leave their mark everywhere then I say look under my Norton do you see any oil, best way to shut them up, then they say, yours must be the only one but it's not and I know plenty of mates with old British bikes that don't leak oil or even leave their mark, once in the blue moon I might get a small drop from the drain plug if I reused the copper sealing washer one too many times lol, but I have a full set box of new copper washers, same with O rings and sheets of gasket paper of different thickness, always prepared for just about anything.
Been a very long time since I fixed up a blown gasket on my Norton of any motor for that matter, but I enjoy making my own gaskets, good therapy lol and easy when you have all the tools to do so.

Only British bike I have not leaking oil is the Manx! The other Brits 9 does. The Honda racer leaks but the RDLC don't.
Many of our old bikes has suffered from bad mechanics through decades of abuse. Making them leak more.
Only brand new British bike I've ever bought, a 1970 Victor Special, did not leak. Sadly cremated in a barn fire in 1983.
Must admit I envy those who managed to make their bikes leak free.
I have a freak 850 Norton as mine does not leak oil at all from new and 2 rebuilds (one major rebuild and one replacing the crank cases), always used yammy bond on the crank cases and copper spray gasket on the head gasket, my primary does not leak at all as I never over tighten the centre mounting nut and I have never used any sealant on that big O ring as well I never over fill my gear box so no GB oil gets into the primary.
So do I have a freak Norton or just good maintenance and care.
By the looks of your bike, I'd say pure luck if it actually doesn't leak in the real world. :)

Mine leaks somewhere once in a while and you could eat off of it as hot rodders used to say.
I hope all the non-leakers are touching wood as they write :)

I recently moved a Trident from one side of the shop to the other. It had not moved in about 3 months and there was nothing on the floor beneath it. The next day, there was a spot on the floor from the left fork. Turned out that the drain screw was loose - that was easy. The next day, there was a puddle under the right fork! that was not the drain plug. It turned out to be a defective sealing washer for the bottom bolt - it had been in there for about two years and never leaked before!

Apparently, I had pissed off the oil-tight gods! The bike is back to leak free so maybe they are happy with my work!
I always touch wood when I say good things about my bikes when I give them praise, but no just been lucky with having a leak proof Norton most of its 48+ years with me, luck or a freak bike who knows and maybe patting it on the tank and thanking it for a great ride/day out is not so silly or another thing maybe mixing STP with my motor oil make it more less prone to oil leaks but then there is GB, primary and fork oil that don't leak or the maintenance gods are looking after me or just my love of British motorcycles.

There's a really great shop in WA state, Drager's. Lots of old cars but I went for the Brit bikes.

Lots of leakers there, they need maxi pads.

Such a great place and history. I know the grandson of the founder. His grandmother was an AMA pro in the 50s I think, no small feat.
Modern sealants like threebond, good gaskets, I do use Jim's ones, and a good crankcase breather. No leaks necessary.

But the damn swinging arm does leak a tiny bit on the Commando.