That warm wash feeling as adrenalin dissipates

Tesla is the make with the highest number of fatalities per mile. The high number of fatalities appears to be due to driver distraction or autonomous driving screw ups. The vehicles do well in crash testing, however they crash a lot!
Yet somehow mr musk keeps saying the telsa automated driving is far safer than human drivers.
World's richest genius must know everything, however 'self-praise is no recommendation'. I watched something about him on Youtube - said he could read 3 books in a night and know everything in them. Some people are easily impressed. Sometimes it takes years to fully understand some things - especially when cause and effect are multivariate data. Ducati could use Musk to analyse their superbike data.
Have you seen this guy ? -
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At least I know I am wacky. These days I often wonder how I could have been so stupid, when I think about some of the things I have done. My biggest regret is not having visited several guys while they were still alive.