That’s all Folks 2

Have a good ride out on it when you get it back, not sure what your second bike is but see if riding the 961 after so many weeks brings back the love.
I have not had it for 5 weeks or so and haven’t really missed it - true I have been putting some miles on a new bike which has helped but I don’t trust it not to go wrong
I may go back to my original thought of looking for a Mk3 Commando, time will tell.
I'm just kidding. Only you know what is good for you. I could have saved much stomach acid in the esophagus had I gotten rid of mine. Its a :mad: it broke moment, then a :):cool: its fixed and having fun moment. I should sell on a high note, but then I'm having too much fun and can't be bothered.
Change the Tip Over sensor now ! That's how they feel when going bad ! Look for my resistor cheat to troubleshoot it while you order in the new one.
Hi Tony,
just noticed this response, thanks for that, i'll follow it through.