Taken me again a while to get back to this...just not long enough for some of you, I’m sure...
Couple of weeks ago, rained all morning and really didn’t look like it would let up, but then came a big blue area of sky up from France. Just not normal, that blue sky stuff from France. I swear they have cloud machines set up on the border, down around Verdun. Not that I blame them for it, if you scan a bit back in history, they have a few reasons….but why always on a Weekend? Just plain ornery I guess.
So along comes the huge circle of blue sky, get up the nerve and I set off for the city to meet up with the mates and take part in a “City Run”. Whatever that is. Late as usual, one of the guys had to wait for me and then he and I skirted the metro area and came in from the north to where we were supposed to meet up with the sponsoring club and do the run. Weather holds out and then we come into a traffic jam which we assume is due to the cops blocking off the road for the run. Been told all is police escorted, etc, so we assume we are late, and try to fit between cars.
Get to the meeting area, must be well over a hundred people or so, and as would be expected, we are the only other not affiliated club that has seen fit to attend. Why the other clubs fail to appear, lord knows…but only us, the sponsors and their supporter club, who have their own place in the hiararchy, are there. The supporter club has to attend, and they have their work cut out for them anyway. I won’t mention names here, so you will have to let the imagination run wild as to who the sponsors were, just get the picture that not one of them rides anything but HD. Nice bikes, but I couldn’t afford any of them if I wanted one. Too rich for my taste.
Passed pleasantries for about an hour until one of the really huge ones gets on his bike and heads up towards the street. Must be starting, maybe the cops have got it all organized. The sponsors are all allowed to get out in the front, hangabouts and such are better off safely in the rear… no doubt. About a hundred machines or so, 2 abreast and the ride gets under way.
Traffic got stopped…but it was quickly apparent that none of it got stopped by cops. Hats off to the supporter club, they did a fine job of blocking every intersection, red light, trolly, bus, pedestrian crosswalk…scooting down sidewalks…you name it, for the next hour or so. I did see one cop car, but he was trying to get across the lane, and had no chance, he had to wait like everybody else, for the line to go by. After about the tenth red light, it got hairy. People were getting upset, horns were blowing, “pleasantries” exchanged…from a safe distance naturally, and only with those at the end of the line, but at one corner, some stinker wings some kind of red/orange fruit at the fellow ahead of me. This distracted me for a split second, wondering what was coming next, and the fellow ahead of me put his brakes on and we were so close, I nudged his pipe on one side. Second time in my life I rear-ended someone. He wasn’t happy, and nothing was damaged, but at least he was one of us, and not one of the sponsors. We could discuss it later. At the next intersection, a trolly comes from the right, blocks the path, two of the supporters are also blocking from the side, cars, and the cars can’t get off the tracks. Stalemate to say the least. I back up and let the two supporters in ahead of me and the cars inch off the tracks and the trolly makes it around the corner, lots of fist shaking and such, but no damage to anything but tempers. We are right in the middle of the city and there is absolutely no way to do anything but keep with the group. I have visions of cameras on every red light…in for a dime, in for a dollar sort of. My faithful steed stalls out, and I have to kick her over while standing, which is not my style, and get her started but end up last in the group for a couple of miles. Still no cops behind me, but cars that are too close, and no doubt pissed. Finally the run is winding to an end, and the way to the clubhouse is at least a mile down a road that is covered with about 4 inches of mud. Wondered why all those HD’s were filthy as heck. Took me two days to get it off mine. I get a cola at the clubhouse and it is thundering just on the horizon, so I take my leave and head back towards home. An interesting day to say the least.
Way home leads in and out of light rain, nothing really serious, but the storms are all around. Not paying attention really as to why, but along the way, some metallic clank is heard. Must have run over an old beer can or such. Don’t give it no mind more.
Along the way…stop for a moment to see if anyone is at the clubhouse of another club I have friends at, and when I go to put the side stand out…something is different and I look down.
See above entry...
Last weekend, get a call. Lost one of us down south, stupid stuff. Spring on the kickstand breaks, stand swings out, catches the first curve and throws the machine into the other lane and the poor sucker gets his clock cleaned by a car coming the other way. Single parent and two kids...
Must have had a couple of angels along for the ride…no pun intended…that spring had been hanging down grinding on the pavement for the last 15 miles or so.
Couple of years ago, the fellow at the vehicle inspection refused to pass my bike until I put an extra spring on there to make it swing up automatically and not sit out there extended as they do on the Commando. I have the bolt on mine really tight, so it stays where you put it, and only loosen the bolt for the benefit of the inspector when I have to go to inspection. The bolt was loose though, somehow, that day…and the stand had swung out most of the way…and the only thing that kept it from going all the way out, and killing me, was the second spring the inspector made me install. He has earned a “Thank You” the next time I go to the inspection point…to say the least.
Had to remove one of the tassels from my colors to tie the stand to the frame and get home….
I told my son about it and to re-check his bike too, but this is another one of those things I won’t bother to tell the lady. Due to the wonderful weather earlier this year, our state has the unwelcome distinction of having the most fatal cycle accidents of any German state so far this year. She who must be obeyed has mentioned it a number of times now over the last two weeks…no use baiting the bear.