I don't know if I've ever managed to do this task in 3 minutes,but I used to complete it it fairly quickly, maybe 10 minutes all in with cleanup.
Rather than just get on and ride, run the bike up on the lift, strap it down, clean the bottom of the engine, particularly around the drain plug, find clean oil container, slide it under, remove plug and drain.
Refit plug ( don't forget this step, folks have and the engine blows up), find funnel, clean funnel, flip seat up and pour oil into oil tank. Seat back down and you are done. I guess with older Commandos one must remove and refit the seat?. I'm lucky there, MK3 seat with hinge.
One day I decided to strain the oil through cheesecloth before dumping it back in.
I was shocked at the small bits of sharp rock and other road debris had fallen into the oil during the drain process.
Now I strain all sump oil before dumping it back in.
The whole process with straining takes me close to half an hour and then there's cleanup. Maybe I don't need to ride that bike today, the sump is full, I'll ride another one instead.