Steve Maney components

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Nov 26, 2009
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Here's a newly completed exotic race motor ready for shipment overseas. Featuring Steve Maney cases, supershortstroke Maney crank, Maney alum cylinders. Race ported FA head with bigger valves.

Without these heavy duty componets such a high revving motor would never stay together.

Ken Canaga developed and offered forged pistons for Nortons which are now available through Steve Maney. Ken also helped me a great deal by letting me copy his JE piston valve pockets - saving me a lot of time and experimentation.

I use Maney alum cylinders on my own street bike and have never had any problem with them. They are a 10 lbs saving over the original iron cylinders.

Things have improved so much since I was racing in the 1980s. Sometimes you have to just have to stop and appreciate.

Steve Maney components
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Very nice. Steve built a similar one with 75 mm crankshaft and 81 mm bore back in the early '00s, but with one of his ported heads, and it worked quite well.

Speaking of Steve, I should note that he's in the process of winding down his business for eventual retirement in the next few years. He's stopped taking orders for crankshafts, and the foundry he has been using just closed, so he's not making any more cases or cylinders either. He thinks it will take him another two years or so to complete current jobs, and then another three years of keeping the business open, but not working too much. I just shipped him a good sized order of pistons, so he must have a fair number of jobs still in line. Anyone planning to buy cranks or castings from him might want to see what he has available, and pick it up now.

I remember a video of one of Steves 500cc motors racing against Manxes, pulling a wheelie and winning.

Concerning Steve's contribution - It couldn't last forever.
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Yes , just hope someone is going to pick the trade up , specially for cases or barrels, which are not available elsewhere.......!
what's the story on the backside opening in the right side timing case?
If you're talking about the alum disc - It could be an optional mount for a breather - I can't measure it now because its already crated and buttoned up for shipping.
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Impressive restoration of early points ignition drive, even retaining the sparking contact breaker, about directly under fuel taps and carb ticklers fire hazard that hardly ever occurs but has happened so be alert. I assume magneto case more sealed that breaker contracts gizmo so may not ever happen to you. I bet the magneto advance makes ya smile away rear tire life.
BTW the most bang for the bux vital don't miss out while still available Maney offering, is the out rigger bearing support. Part of hobot obnoxiousness is d/t having two Nortons that could candy cane gear box shafts and remove teeth form both 3rd gears and 520 size sprocket teeth - till Maney solved weakest stressing area for AMC users. Realize my P!! 9000 rpm AMC withstood embarrassing triple 2 smokers in their hay day with AMC box but more potent engines vomited guts reaching 100 hp zone on track so Harley kissing cousin tranny saved their dragsters from losing. Most are now dead but for TC but until your drive train becomes limiting factor ya only got a so so ho hum power plant compared to late 60's and hollow bragging rights regardless of how fancy expensive non Norton power plant. Read history of almost world beating wins against more hp moderns lost d/t transmision failures.
A freaking caveman ignition that its advance and hot spark can hit like a club! Similar magneto runs my propane twin 30 hp gen set and antique '38 John Deer 'Poppin Johnny' twin kettle drum thumpin tractor. If really bored can fine tune the condenser/capacitor by trial/error at night till the gap shows a fuzzy plasma glow rather than arch pitting lighting bolts. Smarter dudes use the breakers and its mechanical adv curve to trigger transistor ignition systems so points last forever and spark good as it gets. It all revolves around the point contract area induction resonance so could even diddle grinding points down to match available condensors chain saws to lawn mowers to sb chevy V8 and kissing cousin Harleys. I approve if that counts. A ham radio freak or real electronics expert would be able to measure to select optimum which is beyond my skill or needs. There are degrees of sweetest that have driven others to seek it out and find so remain restless till finishing what's possible if not all that practical.
Smarter dudes use the breakers and its mechanical adv curve to trigger transistor ignition systems so points last forever and spark good as it gets.

what i also like about those setups is that even if the electronics side fails, you can continue running the stock points system on the fly
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OHhhh, I see out rigger wisdom already installed so I was preaching to the choir. cool. BTW Ms Peel out rigger is not needed with her ITT gear box and not a Norton numbered part for Trixie so its for sale fairly cheap if others interested. It was not installed when encountering Ducati 900 Monster squadron I was able to pull the fast/brave one out ahead of pack for extra fun but lost 3rd gear teeth holding back so they could catch up to see what i was on, which totally freaked them out to almost wheelie away and thot I'd snicked 2nd instead of 3rd which made some clanging noises but didn't delay catching right back on their tail light in pure open straight power/torque drag race with their head start to over the ton before a little turn slowed the cripple i was chasing on very low squirmy tire pressure dt having to cross quick sand like mud to get to pavement. If not destroying drive train components then nil bragging rights on Norton potential power plant to worry about. Moderns are wheelie limited more that Combats up to hp limits around the ton into red zone. If doing this much rear show cords in under 2000 miles. I did 4000 miles a month for seasons so needed new rears at least once a month but worth the flash back memories.
Hi guys,
I am wondering why no one has come up with a beefed-up Mk3 inner primary chaincase featuring an integrated mainshaft bearing similar to the one provided by Maney? Sure, this would be limited to chain drive primary only. Having watched close up pictures of the g/b mounting and the final drive sprocket, see e.g., the Commando workshop manual companion, it seems there is ample space for a cotton reel steel spacer between upper g/b bolt and inner primary case. For the lower bolt, a direct attachment isn't possible because the frame rail obstructs. However, a stiff exchange member either in steel or aluminum is easily fabricated as there is ample space between bolt and final drive sprocket. For a trial test of the design, the chaincase facing the final drive sprocket could be skimmed around the mainshaft boss and a strenthening plate be fitted by bolts or nails. Function of the OEM seal could be maintained by a sealed bearing.

Is there an obvious reason why such a design wouldn't work? OK, additional shimming may be required to overcome casting tolerances and to avoid bending stresses in the inner chaincase, but that's a one-time operation. Any thoughts?

mdt-son ideas have partially been done successfully via a bearing holding plate from crank end to mainshaft extended past clutch nut but don't think as completely thought though - clever as he detailed, retaining art deco case & cover doing double duty. Inner case would only need one more attachment to rear bottom cradle/case to fully support it w/o need of re-enforcement. I'd weld brace on cradle with a stud on rear case to slip in and nut on from underneath access before chain threaded. Factory fixed front case to engine and middle cradle stud securely so just needs rear of case attached for rather strong load support. Engine crankshaft proven to be more robust than flexing/candy cane mainshaft breaking gear teeth, so crank support not nearly as needed as 'out rigger' support of chain loads between bearings instead of out of balance mass jerking on long leverage shaft. I gave some thot on this, but not smart enough to decide to put extra bearing fixed in inner case or wider clutch center bearing, or if mattered. SHAME on anyone that might need this as directly implies very illegal unsafe operation in public so assume only meant for sane track use.

Many report decades of thrills w/o gb issues, to put in prespective how immature/risky bending mainshaft is, so expect bitching and bickering if you report why your Commando could benefit.
No reason why it wouldn't work, but how do you fix the centres accurately to ensure that the bearing runs correctly, it would need reamed holes to locate the gearbox and engine onto the cradle, the engineering in doing it is not impossible but involved so just does make it worth it.
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