Well, I've been narrowing down the search to fix my problem and I still have a few other things to check out, such as if the ground wire at the box is doing its job. I tested the ignition receiver by tapping the pickup lead wires and it sparked like it was supposed to. So far so good, but I don't get a spark turning the key on or off, which I guess is not a big deal? I think the older MK III would spark, but not any of the ones made nowadays (I only bought this a year ago). Does that sound correct? I'm wondering now if I have a duff coil. As many times as I've read on it, I can't cypher what the voltage should be at the coils. Should there be 12V between the box and the left coil? I suppose it reduces between coils where the jumper resides. How much shouild be there? Or should there be no voltage to the coils at all unless they receive an impulse? Just because the ignition fired off when I tested it, I don't know quite yet what to think. I'd sure rather it be bad coils vs. the ignition. Any suggestions how to troubleshoot at this point?