Starting an 850 after 8 years

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New battery will make a world of difference . You can try just kicking the MK 111 to start it as the electric start uses up huge amounts of juice from the battery . If you use the starter motor for the start up then don't let it crank over too long , shorter bursts are best as there is a danger of over heating it . Also remember the bike is positive ground , negative power battery terminal to all electricals .
New battery will make a world of difference . You can try just kicking the MK 111 to start it as the electric start uses up huge amounts of juice from the battery . If you use the starter motor for the start up then don't let it crank over too long , shorter bursts are best as there is a danger of over heating it . Also remember the bike is positive ground , negative power battery terminal to all electricals .
Well lots of great advice for you to ruminate over.
If I may offer a few left field thoughts, I think it’s easy to get a bit excited over ‘reawakening the sleeping beast’. I think if this thread continues much longer you will end up being advised to do a ground up restoration before attempting to start it.
Assuming the bike was running well before it went into hibernation and it was stored in a good environment I think I would take a very minimalist approach.
# A good wash and polish
# Drain the fuel and replace.
# Install new well charged battery and check that the various functions work.
# Drain engine oil, most of it will be in the sump and replace with good quality oil.
# Check gearbox and primary oil level
# A good squirt of penetrating oil on controls and cables
# A few kicks or crank with the plugs out to loosen things up
# An appropriate tickle, ignition on and attempt to start.

Having said all that, I’m sure that providing the bike was well maintained, many of the above steps could be deleted with no ill effects. In fact I suspect that providing the fuel was replaced just starting it would be an option. Once warmed up and the bike’s health verified, a full service then back into action
Many will wildly disagree but just a thought.
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