Stamping ID plate

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Jun 9, 2004
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I have a Commando 850 mk2a 1975 and about to renew the ID plate for cosmetic reasons, can anyone tell me what size the number punches used for stamping the original plates were.

Thanks for any help.

Nortoncommandoneil said:
can anyone tell me what size the number punches used for stamping the original plates were.

1/4" on my Mk3's plate.
L.A.B. said:
Nortoncommandoneil said:
can anyone tell me what size the number punches used for stamping the original plates were.

1/4" on my Mk3's plate.

Thanks L.A.B

No idea if the same punch size was used on mk2a and mk3.

I will have to try and get hold of some 1/4" and try them out.


As you said you intend to renew the plate for "cosmetic reasons" presumably there are stamps on the original plate that can be measured?
Measured my MK3 numbers and think they may be closer to 7/32", 1/4" is a tight fit in the oblong space. I also need to replace my plate because it is tatty, and the plate has those funny Norton roundel stamps, you know the circle with three lines intersecting it.
I do get a bit er.. zealous (if that's the right word? :) ) with little details like this so I've been fiddling around in my workshop recently and machined up a stamp, might make another one with sharper lines but it looks pretty close to the original. Just need to get a set of suitable size number stamps now because mine are too small or too big!

Here's a photo to explain it better:

Stamping ID plate
I took my replacement plate to a jeweler and had the numbers engraved for about $20. It was much easier than finding stamps that fit and they matched the font and size pretty good. Actually it looks too good, the date is not skewed all over the place and the numbers actually line up but it doesn't bother me.

Cheshire bloke said:
Measured my MK3 numbers and think they may be closer to 7/32"

I think perhaps you are measuring the size of indentations made by the tips of the stamps-which may be somewhat less than if the stamps had been struck to their full depth?
Stamping ID plate

Cheshire bloke said:
1/4" is a tight fit in the oblong space.

I doubt that keeping the stamps inside the box would have been a priority. Interesting though, that your Mk3's plate has the full *850*3345xx* stamping with the limit marks instead of only the 6 digit number. Is the frame headstock also stamped with a number?
Your'e probably right LAB on the size of stamp, my MK3 was an Interpol and the plate is located on the frame tube under the seat, there are little indentations on the head stock tube but they are not drilled holes, and there are no other markings on the head stock. The original stamping looks like it was done by dyslexic non-opposable thumbed gonk! So it's time to replace it!

I thought every plate had the roundel marks, my engine number stamping also has the same marks but a bit bigger diameter.

Nortoncommandoneil does your plate look like mine?
Cheshire bloke said:
my MK3 was an Interpol and the plate is located on the frame tube under the seat,

I thought every plate had the roundel marks, my engine number stamping also has the same marks but a bit bigger diameter.

The fact that yours has the plate under the seat is probably why it has the full set of stamps on it.

The plate on the headstock generally has just the 6-digit number and month/year of manufacture.
The *850*xxxxxx* number (or *850*F1xxxxx*) is normally stamped directly onto the headstock (usually on the right hand side) alongside the plate.
Hi Neil, you mention your Mk2a is a 1975. I also have a Mk2a built in August 1974. My California title lists it as a 1975. I thought that was wrong and that Mk2as were all 1974. I also saw somewhere that Mark IIIs were released in spring of 1975. So, I am a little confused on what year my bike really is.
jamesp said:
Hi Neil, you mention your Mk2a is a 1975. I also have a Mk2a built in August 1974. My California title lists it as a 1975. I thought that was wrong and that Mk2as were all 1974. I also saw somewhere that Mark IIIs were released in spring of 1975. So, I am a little confused on what year my bike really is.

Title has nothing to do with which model bike you have.

Posted off my old ID plate to Norvil, recorded delivery, and waited a couple of days for the new one to be posted out stamped.
The numbers stamped on the new plate are smaller than the original , but I'm not concerned about this.
My Commando is a mk2a with date on Id plate 8 74, but was reg Jan 1975.


swooshdave said:
jamesp said:
Hi Neil, you mention your Mk2a is a 1975. I also have a Mk2a built in August 1974. My California title lists it as a 1975. I thought that was wrong and that Mk2as were all 1974. I also saw somewhere that Mark IIIs were released in spring of 1975. So, I am a little confused on what year my bike really is.

Title has nothing to do with which model bike you have.

Correct. Titles issued in some states, Arizona for example, in years passed---issued the title in the year bike was sold---not manufactured. So, a 1973 750 which may have sat on the floor of a dealer for several years and finally sold in 1975 would have been issued a title for a 1975 Norton 750---not a 1973. Not all states followed the practice---only the ones who wanted to collect more tax and fees on newer vehicles.
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