Spoke to Soon!

Well, I had similar symptoms... and after changing kill switch and other unsuccessful trials I followed an advice posted by Richard-7.
Good news for the Aussies the sensors I purchased from repco (ordered in from Bosch) were all genuine in correct packaging and stamped with Bosch, I'll fit them this weekend hopefully. So if you need them just go down to your local repco and give them the numbers ask for genuine because they do generic as well .
Hopefully my running on one pot in the rain will finally be sorted.
Hey guys,

Sorta-thorta-had resolved my issue. Unfortunately not. Service Manager had given it thorough going over and identified a loose temp head sensor. Changed it, he rode 30Km home and the same back - no problems. Result. I picked it up last friday and she was running great for 40 of my 55 km home when she started misfiring again. Limped home. Doh! Dealer is doing the best they can trying to fault diagnose an issue that is not apparent until 30-40 Km into a ride. Which component takes that long to heat up (and break down)?!?

Sean the Service Manager is on the case and is requesting new Bosch coils from Norton. Hopefully that may provide the answer.

I'll keep guys informed.

Sunshine Coast
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The bike is a Mk1 2015 model so I assume the original (non-Bosch) coils. I will speak with the Service Manager on Monday and see its they intend to change HT leads with the coil pack.

Steve I have my original coils, 2015 CR, that I swapped out for bosch. Nothing obviously wrong with them and you are welcome to them I can drop them into Brisbane motorcycles, Lutwych branch, tommorrow. You can then see if it is the coils.
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Hi Skiddy,

That's a really generous offer mate, thank you, but I am quite happy for the dealer to try fitting the new coils under warranty.

It would be a good check however, would mean limping the bike down to the dealer (55Km), fitting your old coils and then riding 30-40 Km again to see whether this would work.

Thanks again for the offer though.

I'll let you know how it goes with the Bosch coils.


And hey Stephen, we wanna see some pictures please of that fantastic Sunshine Coast in the foreground/background with the 961 gleaming ,& sounds like your near skid mark so pair of 961 s together be good
No problem Blighty, as a POME myself I am quite partial to a gathering, with beers of course!

I think there are several 961's in the Brisbane/Sunshine Coast area - never seen another though, other than at the dealer. Must attempt to get a meeting happening. We could swap breakdown stories :)
My Sport was built in 2015 and it had knock off engine management components. Did the Bosch / ONE-7 plug wires and iridium plus. Much better cools starts. One sure sign of a defective ignition coil is failure when it gets hot. And they will often kick back in when they cool down. Seen it a million time in the car parts business.
Hey guys,

Can someone please post a picture of the factory crank case breather mod. Or point me to a thread showing this item.


Sunshine Coast
Crankcase Breather Kit
Discussion in 'Norton Motorcycles (Modern)' started by BritTwit, Jun 19, 2017.

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  1. Spoke to Soon!
    Spoke to Soon!

    Aug 25, 2009
    I’m trying to buy the kit that the factory has developed to eliminate oil in the airbox coming from the valve cover breather.
    My dealer is having trouble determining the correct Norton part number for this kit.
    I was under the impression that the kit came with a new valve cover which is blanked off where the original cover had the breather.
    My dealer has a parts breakdown of a Norton breather kit, but there is no listing of a new valve cover among the components.

    Does anyone who has installed this kit on their 961 know the actual part number of the kit, and whether the kit contains a new blanked off valve cover?
    I just want to insure that I'm buying the correct item.
    My dealer is quoting a US price of $360 for the kit.
OK guys, I am in a position to finalise this thread. It was the coils and/or HT leads.

Shaun the Service Manager at Brisbane Motorcycles persisted in solving this issue and it is resolved. The original coils, that were breaking down when they heated up, were replaced recently with Bosch items; HT leads were changed also. Went for a 250 Km ride today and she never missed a beat.

I f@#$$g love this bike!!!!!

Long live Norton.

Sunshine Coast