Spark plug wires - Coil clamps & coil mounting bracket

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Oct 15, 2011
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I've been following the "??? - spark plug wires - what are you doing? " with interest, but decided to ask about something similar using
a new thread:

The pictures in the above thread generally show the left hand coil and HT plug wire. Due to the offset of the engine, the offset of the
HT coil outlet etc the HT lead has a good space from the upper rocker box nut.

However, when using the coil mounting bracket (06.2577) with captive nuts the coil clamp has to bolt to the outside of the mounting
bracket, I prefer the wires to be inboard to the coil (which causes the HT outlet to be poorly positioned) and the engine offset all conspire
to cause the HT rubber cover & lead to foul the upper rockerbox nut on the right hand coil.

Use of straight, slightly angled and right angled ends to the coil end of the HT lead all exhibit the same problem.

Previously I have used a coil mounting bracket without captive nuts. This allows the coil clamp to be mounted inside the mounting bracket
and IMHO looks better and gives an acceptable space between the HT cover/lead and the upper rocker box lead.

Obviously I have answered my own question, and can solve the problem by changing the mounting bracket to one without captive nuts.
But I had the coil mounting bracket painted at the same time as everything else so it matches. The mounting brackets without captive nuts
seem to be mostly bare stainless so will need painting the same black - 50 shades of black & I'm a bit lazy !

Have others had the same problem ? And how have they solved it?
The wires come close but they don't touch -
TriSpark coils, straight boots

Spark plug wires - Coil clamps & coil mounting bracket

Spark plug wires - Coil clamps & coil mounting bracket
Have others had the same problem ? And how have they solved it?
I made little brackets to move the reflectors further away from the coils. This let the coils move a little further forward. The brackets had to also move the reflectors a little down to clear the tank. I don' have a great picture but this shows the result. The bracket uses the existing two holes on the coil mount.

Spark plug wires - Coil clamps & coil mounting bracket
In order to mount my steering damper without fouling, i had to move my coil clamp bracket inboard of the mounting bracket captive nut.

I used an extra washer between the between two brackets and then a lock nut oon the outside so the bolt wouldnt back out. I need a slightly longer bolt on the aft one.

Spark plug wires - Coil clamps & coil mounting bracket
I don't like the way the 90° angle plug caps bend the HT lead when it enters them especially when other angle caps are available. Resistor only I think though so I use non resistor plugs.


  • Spark plug wires - Coil clamps & coil mounting bracket
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