So what to do with a duff Commando horn?

Well done Mike, I’m so pleased to have given people the desire to see what they can do. Perhaps there needs to be a ‘repaired’ thread for horns? 🤣

I’ve just been out to see my mechanic friend and told him what I’d done. He said if I ever need any small nuts and screws to come to rummage in his collection.
So what to do with a duff Commando horn?
When I bought my bike back in '75 it had a twin horn fitted, but one is silent. Its a smart plan to fit two, so there should always be one of them making a noise when you need it.

But now you've made me want to get both of them working ... something else to go on my endless ToDo list :rolleyes:
Yup, that horn is heavy.
Everyone moans about where it is.
Think about it, it's mounted right in the Center, where weight wise, it does the least harm.
Maybe the Norton guys knew a little a bit about what they were doing..
They did indeed ;)

I'm guessing that around the globe there a sheds with Lucas Windtone 9H's emerging from the too poor to use, to good to throw out box and blaring back in to life. There was one in this vicinity tonight.
My wife commented that she had wondered whether i was trapped under a bike and tooting for help, not that she felt sufficiently motivated to actually come out and check. :rolleyes:
Well done Mike, I’m so pleased to have given people the desire to see what they can do. Perhaps there needs to be a ‘repaired’ thread for horns? 🤣

I’ve just been out to see my mechanic friend and told him what I’d done. He said if I ever need any small nuts and screws to come to rummage in his collection.
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That’s quite an inventory you have there sir… enough to start a horn refurbishment business in fact ;)
I just extended the wiring, added a relay and fitted two horns in an accessible place...
So what to do with a duff Commando horn?
Long time ago, when I was younger and and probably dumber, I removed the non-working horn from my 1968 Fastback. I totally disassembled it, cleaned up the points, re-assembled it, adjusted the tone, painted it, and re-installed it. What a PITA.
It worked for about a week. After several more removals, adjustments and installs, all ending in eventual failure, I replaced it with an inexpensive Japanese horn that weighed about 1/4 as much and was a lot louder.
Best place for a duff Commando horn is in the box of broken dreams........
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My friend just finished rebuilding his stock horn like Flatspot.Only difference was that he drilled and tapped the holes where the rivets were and used some small screws instead.The horn now works beautifully and is quite loud.After hearing it, I immediately got mine back from the attic to rebuild.
I went ahead and drilled the rivets out and found it was not too bad inside.Cleaned up the contacts,used an 8-32 tap and some short screws to re-assemble and still nothing.Tried the adjustment screw back and forth,still nothing.Then broke the 3/4”lock nut that holds the contact for the cylindrical piece that controls the motion of the diaphragm inside.By moving both the adjustment screw for the points and the large screw,all of a sudden I had a horn that worked beautifully.Very pleased and not rocket science.Well worth the effort.
Is there a drain hole at the bottom of that horn? I looks like it will scoop up rainwater very effectively
Yes - I drilled drain holes
But you could always mount them so that they pointed downward and the the rear.
At least they are accessible
It took a while to get to it, but I dug out my original horn and got it apart. Drilling the rivet ends was fairly easy. The cavity on the output side of the diaphragm was covered in white (corrosion?). The innards looked to be in pretty good shape. I cleaned the corrosion off , cleaned the points, sandwiched it back together with a clamp, and it worked! Now, my illness won't allow me to put it back together unless everything is clean, functioning, and looking new. The large stud in the center of the horn won't turn. The lock nut is off. I had some PB blaster on it for a day or two. No luck. I may try some heat next. I know, new horns are cheap and better. But one of my other illnesses is preventing me from going that route at this point.


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  • So what to do with a duff Commando horn?
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Next time you change your rear tyre pull the back mudguard off, throw the horn away and reroute the wires to a more reliable, modern horn in your chosen more accessible position.