So...are all Vincent Black Shadow owners rude?

My wife puts up with me indoors. I deleted that, because it was an incomplete thought I could not finish.
Of the 2 people I personally know that own a Vincent and other bikes in NZ

One guy said he felt the Norton was a better bike all round (he also has 2 Nortons)

The other guy said when he needs to go places and needs good reliability he jumps on his Hinkley Thruxton (he owns a motorcycle shop)

"Different spokes for different folks"
A long, long, long time ago when I first got my learners permit and a Honda CL160, I was greeted with the hand wave from every M/C rider except one brand....
BMW.... It was consistent. I said I'd never own one. Bunch of snobs... I now own one, but I wave.
(BTW, there were NO Vincent riders in my neighborhood)
I have only experienced this once with a Harley rider
A few of us were in a group talking
A bloke pulled up on a Harley
We soon realised he would only talk/respond to one of our mates that had just bought a Sportster
He asked him what the problem was ,he just said "I don't talk to anyone that doesn't own a Harley"
Very weird IMO
My wife and I plus another couple were out and about yesterday here at the IOM (Manx GP). We were at Port Erin for lunch. A (rather young) guy had his BS and was holding court, allowing folks to sit on the bike while explaining, among other things, about hitting 124MPH with his son on the back in 3rd gear over the mountain.

My friend, a former INOA president, asked the BS owner if he knew of any Norton or other Britt-bike meet ups taking place this week. The guy ignored him. Thinking he hadn't been heard, my friend asked again and was again totally ignored. He tried a 3rd time with the same result. During these attempts, the BS owner responded to questions from others about his bike. I have never run across such a rude fellow-biker though my impression is that he does not consider any non-Vincent owners to be "fellow bikers" He could have at least answered with, "Sorry no, I don't"

I was once interested in a Vincent though could never have afforded one. But seeing the personality change that appears to goes with it, I'm happy I was unable to purchase one. The Norton/Triumph/BSA guys we run into are all very are the Honda, Yamaha, Benelli, Suzuki, Kawasaki, Royal Enfield, etc guys (and gals)...

SO, if you are thinking about buying a Vincent Black Shadow, check with your family doctor about any available meds to counteract the personality change...

I don't have any a$$holes for friends so why would I want to hang out with one, much less ride with one...and clearly the two elitists mentioned in the above posts were a$$holes.
Lifes too short and measuring dick size based on networth aka who has the priciest bike is for...well...a$$holes. They can go stick their egos where the sun don't shine.
The Vincent's and HD's deserves better company.
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Jerry, my old racing buddy, said there is a subset of people you meet at car and bike shows. These people are so devoid of interpersonal skills that they employ the services of a highly desirable vehicle to entice people to talk with them.