1973 850 roadster with 8400 miles. Posted a week or so ago about a shifting issue. Symptom is that upshifts go into a false neutral, all downshifts hit gears properly. The shift from 1st to 2nd will wind up in neutral, when I follow with a quick downshift I'm in second. Same thing 3rd to 4th, false neutral and then a downshift and I'm in 3rd. 3rd to 2nd to 1st are no problem. I picked up three springs from OldBritts, the two springs for the gearshift ratchet mechanism and the detent plunger spring if I wind up going in that far. I pulled the outer gearbox cover and inspected the ratchet mechanism. The two spring arms were contacting the pawl when centered. The bottom spring was covered in crud. I replaced both springs putting enough bend in the top spring to provide a small bit of clearance from the pawl. New gasket, refit all and filled the gearbox back up. Took it out this morning and I've got no difference in the symptoms. It will hit an upshift here & there, maybe a few times in ten shifts. If I've got to do a gearbox overhaul I'll probably hold it off for a winter project and ride the Bonneville for the summer. The good news is that the bike is running really well. Kicks over first try, idles nicely, good plug color and it really pulls like a bear. I'm running a Trispark and Amal premiers. Big difference between the Norton and the Triumph when the throttle is cranked. The Triumph accelerates, the Norton jumps. Thanks in advance. Tom https://picasaweb.google.com/1001603808 ... 50Commando