down shifting from 2nd to 1st gear

Jan 28, 2011
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Hey All, my mk-3 seems to have developed a problem downshifting from 2nd to 1st gear. From 4th to 2nd gear no problem but 2nd to 1st sometimes you have to fiddle with the shifter before it goes into 1st gear. I suspect it could be the return spring or the rachet spring in the transmission. Anybody had any problem with this and if so, what was the fix? Thanks Hershey
Hey All, my mk-3 seems to have developed a problem downshifting from 2nd to 1st gear. From 4th to 2nd gear no problem but 2nd to 1st sometimes you have to fiddle with the shifter before it goes into 1st gear. I suspect it could be the return spring or the rachet spring in the transmission. Anybody had any problem with this and if so, what was the fix? Thanks Hershey
Check for:
1) dragging clutch
2) edit for MKIII self adjusting chain
Last edited:
Check for:
1) dragging clutch
2) edit for MKIII self adjusting chain
I don't think it is clutch drag. I just adjusted the clutch not long ago. When I downshift from 2nd to 1st sometimes there is no resistance on the shifter. It does not feel like it is engaging
Maybe something is worn out. Not possible to know exactly what until you start exploratory surgery. Might be a good use for a weekend with bad weather predicted.
I usually never shift into 1st gear unless the bike is stationary. Once the bike is rolling, it never goes below second.
Maybe something is worn out. Not possible to know exactly what until you start exploratory surgery. Might be a good use for a weekend with bad weather predicted.
I think I 'am going to check the return spring in the transmission or the rachet spring. Maybe I'll find something there.
I put my bet on a loose selector plate or bent shifter forks. Downshifting causes vibrations in the tranny which can jam selector forks if parts are loose or bent.

- Knut
The splines of the Mk3 cross-shaft and connector can also wear also the small cross-shaft bush in the primary cover causing slop in the gearchange mechanism.
I had a small primary oil leak coming from the gear selector cross shaft seal, so I replaced the oil seal and the cross-shaft bushing. I don't think that's the problem.
Well, I pulled the outer cover off the tranny to see if I could determine the problem of not shifting into low gear. I found that the rachet spring was splintered but not broken completely into. I called Baxters and a new one is on the way, should have the old girl back on the road by the middle of next week. Thanks to everyone for your input on the matter.
Well, I pulled the outer cover off the tranny to see if I could determine the problem of not shifting into low gear. I found that the rachet spring was splintered but not broken completely into. I called Baxters and a new one is on the way, should have the old girl back on the road by the middle of next week. Thanks to everyone for your input on the matter.