My wife had nothing on her list when she came home form the gym which gave me time to pull these carbs and look them over. I did not see anything amiss or loose on the right hand one but the left hand carb does have something odd with the float bowl going on. I blew though the passages and they seem clean in that carb. Rather than sort the left hand floatbowl I'll leave that job until later and test it with my know good one. I understand that may not always work but I'll take a chance and leave the other bowl and float setting for a rainy day.
In short the other floatbowl and float worked fine, no leaking, sticking, or overflow. The bike started on one kick and I have tuned it by ear enough to ride. She does not seem to be fouling out and pulls nicely now.
Progress at least, and perhaps after some gardening I'll get to work on it tomorrow a bit.