Scribe numbers on Lockheed M/C brake body - what do they mean?

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Dec 1, 2018
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I have three Lockheed master cylinder bodies in front of me and each has a roughly drawn (by scribe) set of numbers on them. The numbers are found on the lower surface of the body, under the lever and facing outwards. The numbers are E46C, C31D (with an L centered above), and D42C.

I am just wondering what these numbers mean and has anyone else come across them?
Ha! Good one.

I will put this down to some internal code for quality control or similar.
I've seen these scribe marks. But I pulled out a spare M.C. and it has none. It does have a "J" stamped into the bottom of the reservoir cup ( internal ) though.
Ha! Good one.

I will put this down to some internal code for quality control or similar.
That's as good a guess as any.

Perhaps they experienced a batch of failures and instituted a rudimentary tracking code for future use...
I think it is fair and interesting question to put before the "matching numbers" people. I hope someone knowledgeable responds.
Who among us is an original owner that can verify any significance of the codes marked on the brake master cylinder and caliper sets?
I have a hand scribed D19D on the front master and stamped C19D on the front caliper, MKIII, I'm not the original owner.
All the best.
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