Luke, I have replied to your email, hope you get it. Old fart techno fear here. I run concentrics but maybe two heads can figure it out. Ade
I would, however, suggest you reposition the rear brake cable correctly, over the Z-plate, not under, otherwise you (will) have a suspension operated rear brake!
Sounded better at 1 1/2.
Need to adjust the mixture as it is running and listen to the change.
Running without an air-cleaner while dripping petrol from the carb overflow, is not good. But at least you might have warm legs on a cold day. I once had that experience and a nice man stopped his car and helped me extinguish the blaze.
Just a thought, was looking at your rats nest thread earlier. In the pic I can't see an earth wire to the head or head steady. Various posts on here suggest that can be bad news for Boyer's and cause misfiring etc.
Just wrestling with a misfire after getting mine back together and have realised it doesn't have one either, hoping for an easy fix - I know...
What we call a choke on a mikuni is actually an enrichening jet, you do not touch the throttle when starting and once started you turn it off asap it dumps too much juice into the engineIf you have got the idle right, you should need choke to start the bike. And when you start it, let it run on the choke with the throttle closed, until it warms up. When you take the choke off, it should idle happily without you touching the throttle. The idle setting should not affect what happens when you ride the bike, that is when the needles and needle jets operate. The main jets only operate at full throttle.
Don't forget the pilot air adjusting screw only affects idle and just off of idleI did my 10 miles at 1 1/2 turns out so I'm fairly confident that's about right.