Round-Abouts....Even the Rozzers Get'em Wrong....
My daughter lives very near this roundabout on a dual carriageway
I overshot her turning once and had to go all the way round it and back
I'm sure you'd get used to it but it feels like vehicles are coming at you from all directions!
So there I was one mid-week afternoon, out on a test ride toodling around my neighbourhood side streets, enter a small round-about intersection intending to make a left turn exit, winker winking. As I begin to curve around the right side, a rozzer in a black SUV comes at me head on, trying to go the wrong direction (clock-wise) around the round-about. I stop dead, as does he. I motion I'm trying to go left and cannot get past in front of him. He waves out the window to go behind him, which would force me to make a u-turn to then get to my intended turn street. I shout I'm trying to got left, he yells back "Don't argue! Get out of my way!". He then turns on his emerg flashers and I must comply.
Oh, man, the wyfe and I went to Freeport, Grand Bahama a few months ago. They drive on the left over there! The rental car had a HUGE sticker along the bottom edge of the windshield with <- DRIVE ON LEFT in bright red letters.

I only goofed twice, both with minimal traffic that never even honked or flashed headlights, nothing. At least I DID use my blinkers!
I have been around the HH one a few times. I suspect that those things are great -if- you know where you're going, and a complete nightmare if you're not familiar with the area and / or you're trying to follow sat-nav directions.
With 60 years experience of round-abouts have no problem with them. Remember doing military service on the island of Gotland in the middle of the Baltic sea. They was building their first round-about. Sole purpose was so that the locals could get used to them when learning for their drivers license.
With 60 years experience of round-abouts have no problem with them. Remember doing military service on the island of Gotland in the middle of the Baltic sea. They was building their first round-about. Sole purpose was so that the locals could get used to them when learning for their drivers license.
But did it have five or six mini roundabouts around the outside of it ? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Flemington NJ has 3 roundabouts and I had to use all 3 to get to work every day. I was told that the rules were that everyone yields to everyone else and if there's a collision everybody gets a ticket. When I learned to drive in NJ I was taught that no driver has the right of way - they can only give the right of way.
Maybe I'm not quite reading it right but I think using the left blinker upon entering would be very confusing. I'd wait until ready to exit and signal a right turn from the circle.
Flemington NJ has 3 roundabouts and I had to use all 3 to get to work every day. I was told that the rules were that everyone yields to everyone else and if there's a collision everybody gets a ticket. When I learned to drive in NJ I was taught that no driver has the right of way - they can only give the right of way.
Maybe I'm not quite reading it right but I think using the left blinker upon entering would be very confusing. I'd wait until ready to exit and signal a right turn from the circle.
This was a tiny "traffic circle" on a neighbourhood street...basically used instead of a four way stop sign intersection. The point of signaling your intentions when entering lets others know which of the three ways you will exit. This is exactly same as you do at a traditional four way stop intersection, signal which way you are going...or no signal if going straight. If taking a left turn, not signaling until you have passed by the right, then straight exits, means others would not know if you might be going straight through.

Are you also saying I should give right of way to the cop, who was basically going wrong way down a one way road with no emerg flashers/sirens?
My daughter lives very near this roundabout on a dual carriageway
I overshot her turning once and had to go all the way round it and back
I'm sure you'd get used to it but it feels like vehicles are coming at you from all directions!
I live about 4 miles from that one. It is pretty easy to use after a short time, just a couple of mini roundabouts at most, one to get on, and sometimes another to get off.
Are you also saying I should give right of way to the cop, who was basically going wrong way down a one way road with no emerg flashers/sirens?
You did have right of way, but you also had the right not to enforce it which was the sensible option. Never argue with a Cop or a Truck, your gravestone can say what it likes about you having the right of way but you are the one fertilised the daisy's.