"Roadster" plain black decal

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I have decals from this seller on ebay, they are staying in the folder I keep them in, they curl up when you apply clearcoat and I tried a few including a waterbased one but none worked. Classic Transfers will supply offcuts free with your order if asked for your painter to check compatibility before committing the decals to clearcoat.
The 1970 brochure shows a yellow 'S' with solid black decals. Were there any yellow Roadsters made?
DogT said:
The 1970 brochure shows a yellow 'S' with solid black decals. Were there any yellow Roadsters made?
In fact, the majority of early commandos i see around are yellow roadsters!!
My first Commando was a NEW 1970 roadster. The first years roadster with a halo headlight/key in the side cover is the only one originally with a roadster decal.
"Roadster" plain black decal

The decal 06-1699 is only black...no gold ....roadster
I bought the correct decals many years ago and yes they were a bit tough to find.
dynodave said:
My first Commando was a NEW 1970 roadster. The first years roadster with a halo headlight/key in the side cover is the only one originally with a roadster decal.
"Roadster" plain black decal

The decal 06-1699 is only black...no gold ....roadster
I bought the correct decals many years ago and yes they were a bit tough to find.

Cool pic. do you have any other ones?
unfortunately (at least in Europe) item 06-1699 comes with gold outline (http://www.rgmnorton.co.uk/buy/roadster ... r_3004.htm)
I have also tried Andover Norton.
Anyway, I am getting it printed on my own based on Manx's file!
I just pealed back the paper cover on one of my 3 06-1699 water slide decals I got from Mick Hemmings back in the mid 90's.

There IS a gold border.

The pix of me on the bike was given to me from my aunts family in Nova Scotia. She had taken it in the fall of 1971 while I was on military leave. It is the only surviving pix of that bike.
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