Request for advice with muffler fitting

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Dec 30, 2012
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Hi there
I recently bought a pair of mufflers and am very happy with them.. but

The right hand muffler (looking from the rear of the bike) fits just great but the left-hand muffler does not seem to slide far enough over the header exhaust pipe. It seems that the exhaust pipe is too short when installed onto the fixing plates by at least 1-2 inches. As you will see from the photos below, the muffler only overlaps the exhaust by about 1/4 of an inch.

I could probably push it a little further on by pulling back on the plates that are connected to the Z-plate by the rubber mounts but it seems like it would be forcing it a bit too much.

- I've swapped the mufflers over, thinking possibly that one was longer the other, but they are exactly the same
- I've replaced the rubber mounts, thinking that the originals may have somehow distorted the fit
- Inspecting the exhaust, it doesnt look like there is any possible additional play that would allow me to manipulate it back farther into the muffler.
- I hope that all the plates are installed correctly. I looked it over several times and think that there really is only one way that they can all fit together successfully.

I'm wondering if it might be a combination of trying to fit Peashooter mufflers to original exhausts, since it is a MK2A and should perhaps have had the black cap exhausts?

Was wondering if drilling another two holes in the plate would enable the muffler to move forward, but it seems a bit drastic.

Any advice or solutions would be most appreciated!

Overall view
Request for advice with muffler fitting

Muffler fitted to plates (note just loosely fitted)
Request for advice with muffler fitting

Joint where the muffler meets the exhaust. Note the gap where the slot is on the muffler (under the clamp) and clearly the previous mufflers went a lot deeper over the exhausts
Request for advice with muffler fitting

Closer shot
Request for advice with muffler fitting

Alignment seems good
Request for advice with muffler fitting

Request for advice with muffler fitting

Hopefully, plates are all installed correctly!
Request for advice with muffler fitting

Request for advice with muffler fitting
If it was me I would get/make a shorter bracket for the rubber to muffler connection, some Aluminum flat bar stock, a drill and a few minutes and you are done.

It looks like that bracket isn't connected to the muffler correctly. Mine is different now but here's an old pic, hope it helps.
Request for advice with muffler fitting

Request for advice with muffler fitting
I'm no expert but looks to me you have the wrong plates. They defenatly are not the same as my mine.
Thanks guys
Here are some shots of the mounting plates after taking off the Z-Plate. I fiddled around with them and it doesn't look that they will fit any other way, but I might be missing something. They are also the same configuration as the right-hand side, which works just fine with the RH muffler.

This is also a MK2A, so I wonder if these pieces are unique to the M2A or perhaps the same as the MK3?
Or as you mention, these are different plates that were fitted at some point in the past, perhaps for different types of mufflers.

Two loose bolts are where the plates attach to the Z-Plate and the two holes are where the muffler fits
Request for advice with muffler fitting

Request for advice with muffler fitting

Request for advice with muffler fitting
The picture from behind the bike is the one that really looks weird to me. Notice in these two pics, that even though I have different z plates, the triangular shaped bracket is in the same spot.? Oriented vertically and closest to the pipe. It seems to be on the backside of your arrangement.??
Request for advice with muffler fitting

Request for advice with muffler fitting
The muffler mounting plate is the wrong one. The one in the diagram posted by Snorton number 5 in the lower diagram is the correct one. It is a diamond shape with the muffler mounts equally spaced either side of the two rubber mount holes.
LAB will no doubt provide a picture of the correct one shortly.
JohnTy said:
The muffler mounting plate is the wrong one.

All three plates are in fact wrong. Those in Mike T's photos are for black cap/bean can silencers/ mufflers fitted to the 850 "A" (and MkIII) models.

Peashooters need a completely different set of 6 mounting plates.

Request for advice with muffler fitting
Thanks everyone for all your advice and pics, it helped a lot!
So I guess the plates would have been correct if I had stuck with the original beancans, but since I am switching to peashooters, I will order the set of three new plates
Thanks again for your help
The appropriate plates arrived today from OldBritts and have been installed and the Peashooters fit just great

Request for advice with muffler fitting

Request for advice with muffler fitting

Request for advice with muffler fitting

Request for advice with muffler fitting

Request for advice with muffler fitting

Request for advice with muffler fitting

Request for advice with muffler fitting

Request for advice with muffler fitting
Interesting, in like, ah about 1980 when the original bean cans fatigue cracked and came from together on my MK3, I got some pea shooters and had the same problem with too short exhaust pipes. At that time 'correctness' didn't matter too much so I drilled a couple holes in each 'wrong' muffler mount so the new mufflers would go on far enough. Perfect! , that's still the way it is today. Perfect! :wink:
Ah I just saw this one! I had the same problem but I bought the stainless ones from the guy running Rocky Mountain. He's on the board. Wish I coulda suggested it before you bought the normal setup plates. Old britts are a great outfit nontheless!

Also with the wrong plates you will notice the muffler will block removing the rear axle...
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