Rear Frame Breakage

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This summer I plan on doing a bit of two up riding and have heard the rear loop of the frame can break.
My seat has all the rubber buffers in place and sits on the mudguard while the mounts are in good condition.
The weight of my passanger should be around 60 kg's no more and no luggage will be taken other than maybe a tank rucksack.
Is this an unfounded rumour?
With just a passenger it'll be fine
If you start loading racks top boxes panniers etc then you really do need to triangulate the load and brace the load from the footrest hangers
It is reported that only "some" of the 850 73 06-4140 have the rear supports.
It is probably true that all the 74 06-5632 frames have the rear support.
SO- I wonder what is different between the 4140 and the 5632 frame. Any obvious differences are difficult to visually detect.
It make me wonder if the difference is "internal" like the wall thickness of the rear loop.
Anyone with access to prints confirm or deny?
My bike came to me as Hirider (please hold your snickering pls!) and it had rear hoop droop, despite having almost no room for pillion on that hideous banana seat.
As I said interstate in more susceptible due to longer tank and the very nature of the bike being designed as a “touring “ bike and therefore more likely to have luggage etc. The other models are not completely immune if they have been overloaded.
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