Yesterday I received the CNW adapter plate to mount the CNW Brembo Master cylinder to the oEM Lucas switchgear. I was very happy to see it because I was beginning to wonder if it was actually going to show up here in Mexico. It got to Mexico City the 2nd day after Matt shipped it but it took 3 more weeks to travel the 170 miles from Mexico City to here (San Miguel de Allende)!

I guess the donkeys were shunted from mail delivery to holiday festivities.
But, that's not the point...
I took the bracket out of its padded envelope along with the 1/3 page of instructions, tossed the instructions in the trash can and began work. I removed the OEM (sleeved) MC and fitted the new bracket to the Lucas switchgear...but there was an interference problem between the lucas switch and the boss on the bracket for the rear-view mirror. "Hmmm," I thought...
No problem, 5 minutes with a hack saw and file and the problem was solved. I figured that maybe the bracket was designed with some other type of Lucas switchgear in mind. So I finished the installation...vaguely noticing that the reach to the lever was a bit more than I thought it should be. Again, I just figured, "that's the way it is, I guess. I'll get used to it!"
I sent a message to Matt to inform him that the bracket had arrived safely and I also sent him some pics showing him the interference problem, thinking he might find it useful in future machining of the bracket.
I got a very rapid response...basically saying, "Mike, you installed it backwards, reverse it," accompanied by a couple of pics.
Sure enough, I had installed it backwards!

Had I installed it correctly, there would have been no interference to cut/file away! I was very pleased with Matt's immediate response - which included the pics to clearly show how it was supposed to be mounted. I reversed the bracket and all was as it should be and the reach to the lever was perfect. The only down side was now, with the bracket correctly oriented, the area I cut/filed was now visible as shiny white as opposed to black. A shot of black paint took care of that.
I then saw the instructions laying on the floor, next to the trash can where I had tossed them (and missed). I'll be darned, had I followed them, I would have installed the bracket correctly in the first place. Who woulda' thought?
Matt offered to take the bracket back the next time I was in the US and clean up/re-anodize it so that the section I cut/filed would be anodized rather than painted but I don't think that will be necessary. With the black paint on the portion I cut, it is totally invisible. As usual, great support from Matt/CNW.
I wrote this because I suspect I am not the only person who has occasionally discarded instructions and then got to re-do something. So don't do the, "I don't need no stinkin' instructions!" thing. Regardless how simple something appears, RTFI!