Quality/strength /durability/of Indian mfg side stands? Any preferred mfg?

Oct 31, 2024
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Any comments about quality, durability, etc, of Indian Commando accessory side stands? Are the brackets cast, forged or?
OK, thanks. Trying to replace broken kickstand on '68 Commando with Dunstall two-one-into two pipes. 1" tube. Can't find anything except Indian mfg. Only one Brit mfg offered at almost $300.00. Other options? Thanks!
They do come up from time to time on e-bay, even the Dunstall centre stands are sometimes for sale.
OK, thanks. Trying to replace broken kickstand on '68 Commando with Dunstall two-one-into two pipes. 1" tube. Can't find anything except Indian mfg. Only one Brit mfg offered at almost $300.00. Other options? Thanks!
Last year I replaced the sidestand on my 1970 Commando with Dunstall two-into-one-into-two pipes.

For months I'd hunted all over ebay for a suitable stand, but those early '68-'70 sidestands are pretty rare, and they do wear at the pivot, so there was nothing available. Then I discovered AN, they had exactly the right stand, cheaper than any second hand one at around £80, so I ordered one and it arrived two days later, its absolutely perfect, the bike now leans at the correct angle and I'm confident it will work for another few decades.

See https://andover-norton.co.uk/en/shop-drawing/473/prop-stand