Primary chain tensioner blade failure...

Fast Eddie

Oct 4, 2013
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This is a first for me...

Primary chain was sounding a bit noisy so I thought I’d adjust it. But turning the adjuster made zero difference.

Off with the cover to inspect and I saw that the end of the tensioner blade that sits over the trunnion pressed into the case had basically unwrapped and burst off of the trunnion, and so was flapping about uselessly.

I’ve never seen this happen before. The tensioner blade looks quite new, so was obviously fitted when the engine was rebuilt by the previous owner.

I’m guessing its made from inferior material, probably in the Far East.

Anyone seen this before ?
No pictures then it never happened. Come on now, let's see what it looks like!
Not much to show really Onder. This is the offender. You can see how it’s become somewhat ‘unrolled’ and a piece has broken off. I can only assume it’s sub standard material. This is the front of the tensioner, so when it unrolled sufficiently it ‘popped off’ of the trunnion, and then it simply lay there doing nowt, fortunately doing no damage either!

Things like this piss me off. Making a shit one of these can’t be much easier / cheaper than making a good one. It’s not like they’re gonna get rich cutting corners on parts that don’t cost much more than a tenner anyway!

Moral of the story: check with your vendor to ensure your parts are NOT Wassel. And only use your tried and trusted vendors (for me and my Triumph’s that’s mainly TMS, LP Williams and Wilemans Motors of Derby (as was, now trading as MickSenior on ebay).

Primary chain tensioner blade failure...