Preparing the bike for Virginia INOA Norton Thunder Rally

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Aug 8, 2005
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Last month three things broke on me when I went to the upstate NY rally in Romulus, Watkins Glen area June21-25. #1 Clutch cable, one hour down time to switch out. I carry a spare. Then #2 my speedo gearbox dies. #3 my bullet connectors break at the stator to main harness. Things always happen in threes so now that I’m planning to ride further to the INOA rally in Virginia I decided to pay some more attention to the old girl.
I need to replace these bushings on my Ikon’s
Preparing the bike for Virginia INOA Norton Thunder Rally
Rebuilt bushes pressed in:
Preparing the bike for Virginia INOA Norton Thunder Rally

Extent of damage from lots of mileage.

Preparing the bike for Virginia INOA Norton Thunder Rally

Assembled and ready to go back in:
Preparing the bike for Virginia INOA Norton Thunder Rally

Taking care of the carburetors:
Time to replace.
Preparing the bike for Virginia INOA Norton Thunder Rally

My old gaskets were weeping badly so change out needed.

Preparing the bike for Virginia INOA Norton Thunder Rally

I wrote earlier about my speedo issues,
Ring gear is one step beyond.

Preparing the bike for Virginia INOA Norton Thunder Rally

All that swarf on the magnet stick is from from what I fished out of the brake cleaner solution after cleaning and inspecting the faulty speed o gearbox.
Preparing the bike for Virginia INOA Norton Thunder Rally :wink:

Changed oil /filter SAE50Wt Kendal GT-1 and installed a new AM26 tire on my front wheel and installed old front to my rear, which my rear had no, wear bars left. Tappets adjusted carbs synchronized. Now its time to pack. Take off tomorrow. 8) Hope to see you there.
Re: Preparing the bike for Virginia INOA Norton Thunder Rall

Good luck, "Fail to prepare and prepare to fail"!
Re: Preparing the bike for Virginia INOA Norton Thunder Rall

Hope to catch up with you down in Virginia. Good luck on the trip.
Re: Preparing the bike for Virginia INOA Norton Thunder Rall

Those monkey metal speedo drives are about the worst bit to adorn any bike. They are always full of zinc paste. I think the earlier brit bikes had them made out of brass. I wonder if you can swap out the guts.
Re: Preparing the bike for Virginia INOA Norton Thunder Rall

Hope ALL our bikes make it and I'll see you there ..... !
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