Powdercoating (Just a Rant)

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Feb 12, 2011
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I have been reading thorugh the forum and several other sites to decide if I want to PC or paint the frame on my 74 when I get it down. From everything I have read and the body shops (that did not PC) and others I decided to go with the PC.

I talked to a local guy who does custom Triumph bobbers and he told me the only place in town that powdercoated and I contacted them. The person I spoke with at this local establishment told me almost $500 and I had to have the frame pre stripped, taped and ready to go. My mind immediately switched to doing a rattle can in the backyard!

I gave it another shot and contacted a place in Memphis, TN (about an hour away) which does custom work and had some nice pics of work they did online. I told then I had a Norton and what I wanted done and that there was a lot of masking off that would need to be done. I was quoted no more than $200 to have the frame blasted, masked off ( I told them I can get them all the areas that have to be masked off) and powedercoated. I would also feel better about them doing it (besides the difference in price) since they do a large amount of work being in a metro area!! Granted I will be checking online to see what sort of reputation they have and getting a few more quotes before I get this done. Just pays not to just use who is local apparently!!

All I can say is thanks to the internet it is a lot easier to do this sort of thing now days instead of how my Dad and I used to work on antique cars calling all over the U.S. and finding parts!

Is there anyone in the Memphis, TN area here who could vouch for these guys or recommend anyone else there?

All I can recommend is to see some previously coated parts from any company you want to use.

Just like paint jobs there are many different levels of powder coated finishes. You may actually find that the 500.00 job is more of a value than the 200.00. I have spoken to many people that saved some money on a PC only to have to strip it and have it re-done by somebody else. Some companies will also charge a lot of money to strip powder as its a relatively involved job....assuming it was applied correctly in the first place.

So just get some info on what results you can expect from the company you decide to use.

I have always outsourced the powder coating but are just now starting to get all the equipment needed to do our own in order to control the quality and time it takes to get it done.

Good luck.

Matt / Colorado Norton Works
I was lucky, I found a local guy (Front Royal, VA) that did a lot of PC work for the DOD. He not only stripped it, phosphor (?) coated it, and I was able to go in the shop and mask it with the painter and then they did the PC. He had all sorts of round masks and rubber plugs for the holes. Only a few places I missed and had to strip off around the brake drum. He used 'Liquid Black' and 'Chrome' for the fork parts and front guard bridge. I have since gotten some areas rubbed off, but I just put some Rustolium black enamel on it and can't even see it. I think it cost me $300. The shop in Manassas that does a lot of HD charges $700, and they didn't even want to talk to me about masking, of course they know what they are doing. Painters wanted even more because of the chemicals. PC doesn't have the issues with chemicals. I'm happy.

Thanks guys, I won't be jumping off the bridge before I get some info on shops that do PC. I have a house I rent out close to Memphis so it just gives me another reason to get up there one day and check a few shops out and check on my house. I like to do things once and do them right!

Matt, I will probably getting with you soon on some machine work on the crank case and possibly bearings for the case and tranny. Do you only use the Klehin carbs you sell? Thought I saw some on one of your projects that look like PWK's. Looking at some on fleabay but would be afraid they would end up being the cheap Chinese copies. I need to get another iso for my oil tank which you did an excellent job on!

Once I get time to really spend on the bike I may blog it, just depends on how much time I have between home life and all the traveling for schools Uncle Sam says I gotta do!

Again, thanks!
Heres a link to a little slide show of two Ossa basket cases I restored two summers ago.
A local powder coater did the frames in the satin grey for $75 ea. I also restored a third Ossa for a buddy at the same time but it isnt shown here.

I had a first quote of $200 ea or $600 for the three, but like you, decided to get another quote. All three bikes have done a lot of hard bushriding since, not a mark on the powder coat tho.
The prices above are powder coating only, I did the sandblasting and any masking/plugging needed.


Powder coating v stove enamelling;
Although it’s the new wonder coat, like everything else it’s only as good as the base metal it’s applied to :!:
For best results shot blast the frame first, then at least there will be something for the Powder coating to stick to and it won’t peel off……unless the frame is so rusty in places that the best alternative is to shot blast first take the frame to a stove enameller and get them to acid dip it for you, which will kill all the rust off.
In my opinion, and it’s only my opinion, a good stove enamel will last 30-50 years ….how many powder coated frames have lasted that long :?:
warpedscout said:
Matt, I will probably getting with you soon on some machine work on the crank case and possibly bearings for the case and tranny. Do you only use the Klehin carbs you sell? Thought I saw some on one of your projects that look like PWK's. Looking at some on fleabay but would be afraid they would end up being the cheap Chinese copies. I need to get another iso for my oil tank which you did an excellent job on!



I currently have three options on my builds. Single Mikuni, Dual Keihins or the new Fuel injection that Jim Comstock developed. Have not delivered a bike with PWK's.

Just get a hold of me at the shop for the other stuff you need and we'll take care of you.


Matt / Colorado Norton Works
$500 seems pricy considering you need to strip the frame first. I guess its just a different market, but I got two quotes from shops in my area and they were both under $350. That was for all the items listed on Old Britts PC page and it included sandblasting.
Does anyone do stove enameling here in the states?
Talked to my guy (ZRZ Powdercoating) yesterday about a future frame powdercoat job next winter and he said $175. I described the Old Britts masking methods and said I would supply pictures with it. Said that would be no problem and he could do that. I didn't mention all the brackets etc. so I don't think the $175 would include all that. I am having him do some of it piecemeal now while things are partially taken apart for minor winter work.

So far his work quality has been very good maybe excellent. (Just double or triple the time estimates!) It is just one guy working out of a tiny garage filled with several blast cabinets and spray booths.
I have had 5 frames powdercoated recently and generally pay between $250 and $350 for a frame and assorted parts. This includes all prep to the parts. Price will depend on how many small parts you have. I think 500 bucks is too high.
Are there different kinds of powdercoat out there? I remember a post on a similar thread a while ago that said that there are but I can't recall the details.

I've stripped a powdercoated frame and it was like the 10th circle of Hell from Dante's Inferno. It is managable if you coat it with methylene chloride stripper, then let it dry. It makes the PC hard and brittle so you can blast it off.

Glen, I wondered off from the Ossa youtube post and found this one. It's a crack up.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amMPrwtu ... W5--QOJcI=
rpatton said:
Are there different kinds of powdercoat out there? I remember a post on a similar thread a while ago that said that there are but I can't recall the details.


Sure there are different powder coats (one of my suppliers have 10 different types) out there but more importantly several different approaches to how its applied. This is often what dictates the cost as some shops will just apply the coat, bake it and they are done. Others will prep the frame, pre-bake, apply a single thin layer, bake again then bring it out and sand any imperfections. Then apply another coat, that will flow more to achieve a really nice finish, and bake a final time.

Some shops are highly automated. This works great if you are set up to do certain product and ensuring that the results are consistent. However with a relatively intricate piece like a Commando frame, the automated service will most likely not give you a good end result.

Many shops will only offer a 80% gloss since the higher gloss powders are harder to apply. So if you after that high gloss finish, ensure that the shop you are working with offers that.

If the shop you take it looks dirty and dusty, you will most likely get a product that has some of the dirt and dust trapped in your powder coat when its done. I have seen shops where they do their blasting next to their application area. Not getting contamination in this case is virtually impossible.

So that's why I think its important to look at what the results are expected to be as well as what the price is. Saying that one company charges 175.00 and another 500.00 doesn't tell the whole story. These two companies may offer completely different services. Charging more certainly doesn't necessarily mean that you will be guaranteed a better result but finding out how the application is done and physically seeing something the different companies have done, will be the best approach. This way you will know what to expect

Matt / Colorado Norton Works
I dont want everyone to think I am going to just take my parts to someone due to price. I read and research a lot before I get into things. It has taken me a year to decide to just go ahead and get into the bike like I am.

jsouth, I talked to Ricks powder coating and customs. I have been putting out some feelers up in Mempis to see what else I can find out. Will give Leo a call and see what he can tell me and anything else I can gind out about work on the Norton.
This is the company that did the Ossa frames, painting only, for $75 each http://diamondseaglaze.com/

They are a large company in a new and spotless facility. Powder coating jobs such as mine were a sidline for them. I contacted them yesterday and they no longer do small jobs, they are to busy with their own powdercoating which is mainly done for the Marine industry.

Too bad, their work was very nice. Maybe not at the CNW level, but nice.
Perhaps they werent charging enough to make the small jobs worthwhile.
So its back to the other company for me, a little more expensive but still ridiculously cheap in my opinion, and also a nice product.
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