Plug pics

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Brooking 850 said:
Hi guys, loving this thread, not in a position to post pics of mine out of the race motor, but has anyone got any pics (good or bad) of plugs running Avgas so I can compare apples to apples?
I am running 10:1 CR with JS2 cam as per JS recommendations with cam advance.
Ignition advance is nominally 31 degrees, although Jim C recommends pulling it back a couple of degrees.
Ignition is crank mounted RCR (nothing in the cam end cavity under the points cover)
Regards Mike

What plugs do you run Mike?
And what squish band clearance?
Brooking 850 said:
Hi guys, loving this thread, not in a position to post pics of mine out of the race motor, but has anyone got any pics (good or bad) of plugs running Avgas so I can compare apples to apples?
Regards Mike

Here is some pics of my BP8ES's on 50/50 110 leaded and 93 Shell. I know it not what you asked for, but it may give you some idea or or give someone an other view.

Plug pics

Plug pics

Plug pics
Nice, a little on the lean side but about perfect for power and no signs of detonation. The carbon ring is a little close to the body on the side electrode. A bit of lead sure helps make jetting easier. Jim
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